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HELP!!! VESC 4.20 Dual with individual motor control

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Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2020-04-06 15:16
Posts: 2
HELP!!! VESC 4.20 Dual with individual motor control



im working on an electric wheelchair.

I have two BLDC hub motors from an e-bike, fitted on the wheel chair, I got a VESC 4.20 DUAL, battery, and arduino.

my problem is that i need the motors to be controlled individually, from two separat analog signals, with the build in ADC on the VESC

im using a VESC 4.20 DUAL.... and i can´t get it out of CAN-BUS mode(i think thats the problem at least), and every time im setting up one analog signal, it basically deletes the other one I´ve just setup.

so it ends up controlling both motors, and when i select "multiple VESCs over CAN" to " FALSE" in the APP setting ADC and GENERAL. it only controlles one.

when i then use the input wizard agian on the other VESC(DUAL is 2 vesc in one board) and goes through the same thing again. it removes the setup on the first motor. and i still only control, but now 

of course its the other one. and the first one cant be controlled anymore.


what am I doing wrong? please.

Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2020-04-06 15:16
Posts: 2

okay.. I have solved it.

just skipped the wizard, and did it in the APP on each VESC... damn that was a lot of time wasted :D haha

Last seen: 3 days 16 hours ago
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VESC 4.20 DUAL is funny. Something like that doesn't exist. It's a Flipsky ESC I guess, made to the HW 4.12 specifications. The CAN wire is probably integrated in the PCB and the wizard will therefore always find the other side and will delete the motor config you just made before. You can still run the motor wizard though, since this is only the motor configuration. Later on you can change everything in each ESCs config. So using the wizard to do the initial motor setup is not wrong.

Last seen: 4 weeks 18 hours ago
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It's got a switch next to the capacitors that lets you turn off that CAN wiring so you can treat them as seperate VESCs that just happen to share a PCB.