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HFI and braking

Submitted by aethyr on Thu, 2020-03-19 21:01

I recently upgrading to the latest firmware to try out HFI, which is pretty awesome. However, I noticed that when braking, once I hit HFI mode, braking is pretty much non-existent. This generally isn't a problem, since I can just step off the board or use my feet to come to a complete stop. But sometimes, I do want it to not only come to a complete stop, but hold the brake even at 0 rpm. Is this possible? Is there some config settings I don't know about? Thanks.

how I can connect 4 vesc using CAN and how connect vesc to PC via CAN bus?

Submitted by Chanyoung Jung on Mon, 2020-03-09 08:12

hello I'm Korean,,using VESCs for startup company's product being developed.

my goal is to connect 4 vesc via CAN, and to connect to PC(Jetson tx2) via CAN. because our project must use this PC. how i can do? in the case of USB connection, the connection may be disconnected sometimes and there is a delay each time, so we are considering CAN communication without problems like this.

0. I found some thread that talk about 4wd connection. I think 4 VESCs connection , and VESC to PC via USB will be hopely work.

5phase Vesc based on 75/300

Submitted by BartE on Thu, 2020-03-05 23:17

Me and my son are building a e-scooter with a 5 phase BLDC motors we have handy (25 poles). The idea is to build the driver based on the Vesc 75/300. 

Can anybody predict how difficult it would be to change the Vesc firmware for 5 phases. 

How compatible will that be with the Vesc tool?

All advises are very much appreciated. 

Vesc 75/300 max current

Submitted by a727dd on Wed, 2020-03-04 04:34

It's a noob question. The vesc 75/300 has 3 battery wires with 4 mm2 thickness each. That's only 12 mm2. According to this page that size is rated for much less continuous current. And also the xt90 connectors are for 90A max, so 270 altogether. How is it enough for 300-450A? Somebody please explain it.

What is limiting my RPMS (VESC 4.2 / Q100H setup)

Submitted by nckbutler on Tue, 2020-03-03 15:37

Hi everyone -

I am building my first ebike and I have everything working (I think), but am running into an issue where the motor will not go above a certain RPM even with 0 load. I cannot determine what the bottleneck is and it is driving me crazy. As far as I can tell, the VESC is running below the ERPM Limits, and the current limits, and the temp limits, so I do not understand why it does not continue to accelerate.

weird FOC motor oscillations

Submitted by andrii619 on Mon, 2020-03-02 20:30

Hello, everyone,

I'm experiencing some weird motor oscillations with the VESC running in FOC mode. I am running a t-motor MN4012 480KV with a 15x5 propeller at 24V. The VESC hardware I'm using is the FSESC 4.12. When I get to approximately 60% duty cycle the motor starts oscillating. Sometimes I see weird drops in thrust as I increase the duty cycle. I recorded a log of it happening and I also have a plot of the current when the oscillations happen. I'm pretty new to the VESC so idk if there is a setting that I'm missing to make FOC run correctly.

Big Inrunner - Noisy In FOC Mode

Submitted by skeaux on Mon, 2020-03-02 04:13

Howdy y'all. 

Trying to drive a large inrunner (rotor diameter 320mm, 42 magnets, so 42 poles) with a Flipsky FSESC 4.12. Updated to latest firmware and running in FOC mode.

I was surprised with the level of noise when running in FOC mode, which I'd heard was supposed to be fairly quiet. Running at max RPM at 55V (~900rpm), it's heckin' noisy. I've linked a Youtube video of the noise.

Is this normal noise for FOC or have I done something wrong?

Motor draws current (up to 120 A), but doesn't turn

Submitted by Heimfried on Sun, 2020-03-01 22:21

I am currently pre-testing my motor setup without load. I have 2 sets of a Trampa VESC 6 Mk III and a Golden Motor 3 kW BLDC motor (7.8 kg) each. Battery voltage is 51 V. My control input is via COMM contacts using the pins VCC, GND and ADC1. The mapping I used was the default one: start with 0.9 V center at 2.0 V full at 3.0 V.  I did run the setup wizzard and suppose the motor data are recorded correctly. After a couple of tries the motor did spin nearly as it should. I will use the motors at a boat, so I need the motor going forward and back.

Motor Saturation Point Measurement

Submitted by Ebike_Ninja on Fri, 2020-02-28 18:51

After tinkering with HFI and getting really good results pushing higher currents while accelerating, I realized that the VESC has an option for saturation compensation, but not a simple way to measure the point at which the stator saturates.

The VESC has all the hardware necessary to pulse the stator with current, measure the phase current/voltage ramp characteristics, and spit out the current at which the stator saturates.


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