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vesc tool not giving me the right values

Submitted by spacemango on Tue, 2020-06-09 13:31

I'm using the VESC to control a reaction wheel for my thesis. However, the motor setup (FOC) in the vesc tool is not working for me. It does detect R, L and the flux linkage but the values are very off from the data sheet of the motor. When I enter the values from the data sheet instead the wheel just doesn't want to spin. It makes a weird sound but that's it. Any ideas why this is happening? (it doesn't spin with the values obtained from the vesc tool either so..) 

Improved low speed and full stop control with Hall

Submitted by pf26 on Mon, 2020-06-08 19:33

Just wanted to shared my app code to improve control at low speed and provide full stop  with hall sensors only  (encoder would allow to use position_pid instead).

I use "mcpwm_foc_set_openloop_phase" with a current proportional to the difference between the actual position (from hall sensors) and the last angle when motor was rotating.

PPM Configuration in VESC Tool

Submitted by yourpals on Sun, 2020-06-07 21:33


I am planning on building my first project with VESC. I come from a background of plane/boat/racing quad ESCs, which generally accept either PWM or 4-12 channel PPM. Because I would like to use my current 4-12 channel PPM RC Transmitter for my project, I want to confirm I can use this transmitter/controller before purchasing. I can configure whatever frame size/pulse length is needed, but I cant go below for channels. 


Pole Pairs

Submitted by donrecardo on Fri, 2020-06-05 10:24

Hi in the VESC tool for setting the max RPM it asks for the

number of pole pairs . In my motor there are 36  coils  and 30 magnets

so is it 18 pole pairs  (from the coils)

or is  it 15 pole pairs  (from the magnets ?)




Weird Inductance measurement

Submitted by a.dahhak on Wed, 2020-06-03 21:53

Hi guys,

I have an inductance measurement issue with my motor, It doesn't allow me to use HFI.

When I use a ready to run motor from T-motor everything seems fine, but when I try to mount my own motor (stator and rotor hooping), my measured inductance is different from a Dcy to another (picture below)

My motor runs fine at no load, but whenever there is a load it's struggling. Any help please ?


VESC 75/300 and EMC Tests for motorcycle conversion

Submitted by gotfatalErrs on Tue, 2020-06-02 18:34

Hi all,


at the moment I am planning a small electric motorcycle (conversion). At this point I am working at the project for more than 1 years now. I checked out different electric motors and inverters. When i found the VESC it sounded really interesting, but when i checked it, there where no VESC with the power i needed.


But now there is the VESC 75/300 and it fits perfect to my requirements.


VESC Connect dongle alternatives

Submitted by Pimousse on Tue, 2020-06-02 15:32

Hi Ben,

I meet a LOT of WAND connection issues. Which I trust anymore for riding...

Bringing the remote to my face for reading the speed makes the double dots almost freezing (at least they move very slowly).

I can feel dropouts, sometimes no reaction, sometimes latency.

I want to give another receiver module a try.

What would you recommend for the nRF chip ?


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