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VESC 75/300 and EMC Tests for motorcycle conversion

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VESC 75/300 and EMC Tests for motorcycle conversion

Hi all,


at the moment I am planning a small electric motorcycle (conversion). At this point I am working at the project for more than 1 years now. I checked out different electric motors and inverters. When i found the VESC it sounded really interesting, but when i checked it, there where no VESC with the power i needed.


But now there is the VESC 75/300 and it fits perfect to my requirements.


But there ist one big problem. I want to use the motorcycle in Germany and I want to use it legal. For that i talked to the regulatory authority and told me that i need a proof of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) like the UN ECE-R100 (for vehicles) or the EN61000 (for stationary machines).

Has anybody the same problem and is interested to work together with me, getting this proof?

Or has for the VESC 75/300 ever be done some of these tests before?

Best Regards Ralf


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If the date of registration of the bike is before 2002 the regulatorys don't have to insist on emc documents. But if this is rumors or really done I don't know but keep us updated.



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I have the exact same question, except I want to use the VESC 100/250. Has anyone done any EMC testing on VESC controllers?

electricfox's picture
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As much as I know the "eRockit" is using the Vesc 75/300 and will be street legal. Maybe this can help.

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EMC performance depends on your motr, wiring, shielding, settings etc. You need to test the entire system. So far all projects we came across got through EMC tests.

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I ran the HW 4.10 through EMC tests (EN55, unwanted emissions)
And it passed, with very close margin. 

While what Frank says is true, what hes also saying is that no single VESC has been officially tested/ertified on its own. Which is sad, but understandable since a standardized test is around 10.000 euros.
Guess the VESC simply dont sell at a volume to justify that cost. I dont see any other explaination. 


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You can test, but the test would only be valid for the exact setup you test. Once you change the cable length, settings, motor etc, you will get different results.

So testing a motor driver on its own is sort of useless.

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Hi. same problem here in NL. an R10 ECE or EMC test is manditory to license new builds or modified motor cycles. 

It is correct that the whole system (motor+controller+cables and even smaller converters) has to be tested.

So yes, it doesn't help much to only have only the controller tested but since it is the component that most likely will be a source any documentation would be appreciated. 


thanks filip

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Dear all,

Could someone tell me about the EMC acceptability in EU for the Vesc 75/300, about to use in a vehicle?

Thank you very much for the answers.