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issue by control brushed DC with VESC 4.12

Submitted by segway on Sun, 2020-04-26 16:06

Hello everybody, I'm running a Segway project right now. I would like to drive two brushed DC motors (450 watts and 9. 7 Nm) with the motor controllers FSESC 4. 12. With the Arduino code set_current I set the current to 7 A. The motor controllers also convert this set current. (7A and duty cycle of 19%). Hardware: FSESC 4. 12, Firmware 3. 62 VESC Tool Stand 1. 25

Battery charging using motor inductance

Submitted by eptv on Sun, 2020-04-26 07:44

I know that it is possible to connect any DC source to minus battery and plus to any motor phase. Then it is possible to use controller as CC CV regulator using motor inductance to control current.


It is already done in these controllers


Is it possible with Vesc hardware?


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