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Is it possible flash this esc with ? (leopard hoby wp 200A)

Submitted by Thiery Vardon on Sun, 2020-06-21 13:05


I'm very new in using esc and brushless motors so sorry if questions looks stupid.


Is your software can be uploaded in my leopard hoby wp 200A esc ? Because my combo have a very low torque at start and I can't stat my installation with.

The problem is that the advance is not a parameter provided by programation card and it's the issue to up the power start torque (I think but perhasp wrong).

Anyway I thhink your project is cool and I want to manage my esc with computer to manage all paramters possibles.

VESC with really high KV

Submitted by bengce on Sun, 2020-06-21 11:18


i got a 2250KV motor, a 3S LiPo battery and a 4.12 VESC. This is for an rc-car so no massive torque is required. Before i start to roll i just want to make sure that this should theoretically work.

These are my specs:
4.12 VESC min V: 3S
4.12 VESC Amp limit: 50A
4.12 VESC ERPM limit: 60,000

Battery voltage: 3S (11.1V) ~12V
Battery Amps: 180A

Motor: 2250KV
Motor Amps: 5.4A without load
Motor magnets: 8
Motor poles: 4 (-> 2 polepairs)

Optimizing VESC6 setup for my Giant Lego Go-Kart project

Submitted by mantisrobot on Thu, 2020-06-18 13:29


I'm new to teh VESC controllers and E-vehcles in general so was looking for some guidance int he best way to configure my current project. I have built a Giant Lego GO-Kart which I have made electric powered.

My current hardware setup is as follows:

  • Flipsky Dual VESC6 Plus
  • 2 x Turnigy SK8 6374-149kv Senored Motor
  • 12s 12A Turnigy Battery

Can VESC be in parallel connection with BMS while being charged?

Submitted by dfelz on Tue, 2020-06-16 21:47

Will the VESC be damaged if it is connected in parallel with the BMS to the battery pack while the BMS charges the battery pack? Would have the VESC powered off, but will the current being sent to the battery pack during charging damage the VESC? If yes i will put a three way switch in, but with the amps we are working with it will have to be a big and expensive switch, so seeing if its avoidable. If i am not explaining the scenario clear enough please let me know so i can elaborate. Many thanks!



Hall sensor table

Submitted by spacemango on Tue, 2020-06-16 15:47

Could someone explain the hall table in FOC mode to me? I understand that one revolution is 200 degrees instead of 360 and that the hall table entry somehow corresponds to the placement of the hall sensors.

In BLDC mode the hall table was easy to understand. Hall table [1] is the hall output between 0 and 60 degrees and so on if I understand everything correctly. So the values I got there were -1 2 1 3 5 4 6 -1.

I tried to convert these values to the FOC mode by taking (200/6)*2, (200/6)*1, (200/6)*3 and so on but that didn't really work great. 

Motor picks random direction when starting with HFI

Submitted by TechAUmNu on Tue, 2020-06-16 00:47

I have been testing HFI on my robot with a VESC6 plus and TP4070 on 12s.

The spinning mass is about 4.5kg so has a good amount of inertia.


When I am controlling it with duty cycle mode I increase the throttle and it starts spinning normally, very smoothly accelerating from 0 speed with no cogging or weirdness.

The ERPM shows the correct direction.

This happens about 9/10 times. 


What motors can i use with the vesc?

Submitted by bengce on Sun, 2020-06-14 22:28

I plan to use a mini fsesc (vesc 4.20) that is rated for continuous 50A for a project where i want to allow very low and steady speed on an rc car.

The battery is going to be a 3S LiPo (4Ah and 45C, 180A continous) which should be enough to power the vesc mosfets and now i've been looking for sensored motors with at least 750KV to use for this project.

I found a Dynotorq 815 1/8 sensored bldc with 2150KV but this one has a max rating of 115A, rated 2-4S. Would it be possible to operate this motor safely with the vesc?

run one motor and off other using uart data over bluetooth

Submitted by Raja Sharma on Sun, 2020-06-14 13:16

i am using two vesc over CAN communication. i want to rotate my chair but when i send opposite nunchuck.valueX and nunchuck.valueY values in uart .in that case also both vesc's motor rotate in same direction.

can anyone plase tell how to rotate two motor in different direction or off one motor and run other one to rotate using data send over uart. 

how to run two bldc motor in different direction over bluetooth uart data

Submitted by Raja Sharma on Sun, 2020-06-14 11:27

how to run two bldc motor in different direction over bluetooth uart data

i am using two vesc4.12 connected over CAN and with master i connected bluetooth. i want to rotate both motor in different direction.

when i send 255  at  x and y value. both go forward , and on 0(zero) both go backward but when i send 255 on x and 0 on y in that case also rotate in same direction.

can anyone plese tell to rotate both motor in different direction what data should i send and what setting should i do  


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