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VESC Firmware

What is the recommended way to implement a new encoder in the VESC firmware?

Submitted by toma on Mon, 2019-11-04 00:19

I am looking to implement a new absolute encoder via the hardware SPI interface.

For encoder details see:

What is the recommended way to implement that:

  1. Add to the  "encoder.c" and "encoder.h" code
  2. Add the code in a separate file included/referenced in the "encoder.c" and "encoder.h" files
  3. Create a custom application



paltatech v0.2 HW not supported in latest firmware?

Submitted by samuelis01 on Sun, 2019-10-27 22:52


After really long time I have finally completed Paltatech v.02 logic board.  And I have troubles getting firmware for it.

I was following this guide:

But I can not find any mention of paltatech v0.2 hardware in HW selection in conf_general.h.  Just axiom and other hw versions.

Custom App - Set Motor Speed

Submitted by CTSchorsch on Fri, 2019-10-25 11:22

Hi all,

i have a custom app, to control the motor for my underwater diving scooter. This scooter has a trigger button for run/stop and a rotary encoder to set power from 10% to 100%

At the moment i control the motor just with mc_interface_set_duty(0..1)

Is this enough ? or do i have to set something more ? maybe current ? all other apps do so much more :)



Unable to flash firmware to VESC using OpenOCD

Submitted by Bayne on Fri, 2019-10-25 02:34

I was riding my skateboard the otherday when it suddenly lost power and wouldnt reboot. It now only displays a blue light when on (no green like my other working vesc). From my research I found that this could perhaps be a firmware or bootloader issue so I have been trying to redo it using a raspberry pi running openocd and the GPIO pins connected to the vesc.

physical meaning of current KI and current KP coefficients

Submitted by ExiD on Tue, 2019-10-15 16:38

What is the physical meaning of current KI and current KP in FOC mode?
Motor resistance and inductance not use for motor spinning, but it need to calculate current KI and current KP coefficient using time constant.
Also VESC measure L and R values not correct, real motor phase inductanse 90uH, VESC measure 50uH, real R is 150mOhm, VESC measure 100mOhm.
How to choose a time constant to calculate KP and Ki? Need I use VESC's measurements R and L or RLC meter values?

USB connection problem

Submitted by Ironman223 on Sat, 2019-10-12 13:53



I have a new kind of problem which i could not understand.

i have written a stand alone app to rotate motor at a fix speed.

but it only works when i connect VESC tool to it with USB.

otherwise the motor starts to cog and the motor vibrates very badly.

The code is shown below.

Limiting switching frequency of the SPWM for big IGBT´s

javivi's picture
Submitted by javivi on Wed, 2019-10-09 13:32

Hello dark wizards of firmware Javier here, im trying to use fabulous VESC firmware with 400V IGBTs to drive big motors.


The IGBTs have a minimum switching on-off time of around 2,5us.

So far im having issues with the SPWM modulation not respecting the minimum times resulting in nasty shortcircuits (IGBTs dont have the time to fully open or close).


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