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paltatech v0.2 HW not supported in latest firmware?

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Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2019-04-19 12:20
Posts: 2
paltatech v0.2 HW not supported in latest firmware?


After really long time I have finally completed Paltatech v.02 logic board.  And I have troubles getting firmware for it.

I was following this guide:

But I can not find any mention of paltatech v0.2 hardware in HW selection in conf_general.h.  Just axiom and other hw versions.

Is this hardware no longer supported or am I just missing something? If it in fact is not supported anymore, I would really appreciate if you guys could please email me ( an older version of Benjamin´s firmware code.

I really dont want to have to thro​w away this logic board just because firmware

thank you very much