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VESC Firmware

Dual VESC Firmware OTA update from mobile app help

Submitted by A2 on Wed, 2020-06-24 20:05

Hey there, so I was wondering how the VESC system handles updating firmware through the mobile app on a dual vesc system. Do you have to update each STM32 individually? At this moment, when I try to update my VESC using the mobile app, the skateboard functionality gets bricked and I have to go back to flashing from my desktop via wires to get it functional again. This is also a bit confusing because I am simply over-writing the firmware with the same firmware.

Wear os

Submitted by Juozas on Tue, 2020-06-23 11:18

I wonder if there is any solution for wear os or apple watch ? I scrolled through forum and didn't find any useful information , I think it would be great to see power , speed and etc. on  watch screen. 

(SOLVED) I2C, change pins

Submitted by CTSchorsch on Mon, 2020-05-25 07:59

Hi all,

i want to move the I2C pins from PORTB 10/11 to PORTB 8/9. I have no CAN device, so this PINS are free to use.

i set:

#define HW_HAS_NO_CAN

#define HW_I2C_DEV              I2CD1

#define HW_I2C_GPIO_AF          GPIO_AF_I2C1

#define HW_I2C_SCL_PORT         GPIOB

#define HW_I2C_SCL_PIN          8

#define HW_I2C_SDA_PORT         GPIOB

#define HW_I2C_SDA_PIN          9

and enable I2C1 in mcuconf.h

help flashing 4.12 with new firmware

Submitted by adamclarke1985 on Fri, 2020-05-01 02:23

hi guys 

been trying to flash my vesc 4.12 with new firmware.  my the vesc wont connect through usb so i am doing it through st-link.  i can flash the old 2.18 firmware files from bldc tool and it runs a motor.  I have setup tcp and when connected to vesc tool it says frimware to old.  tryed updaing but get timed out message.  if i flash a new firmware 3xx the st-link program says core lockup in the bottem right corner and only a blue led?

Fimware 5.1 - where is the VESC_servoout.bin?

Submitted by JackSilb on Tue, 2020-04-28 06:37


I just installed VESC Tool 2.05

My VESC Hardware is 4.12

I can not find VESC_servoout.bin after I selected  Show non-default firmwares.

Is VESC_servoout.bin still supported on the latest firmware? As you know lots of people use it for robotics application.

If no longer supported, where can we find the lastes stable firmware that still supports VESC_servoout.bin?

Thank you,


TMP100 I2C Sensor

Submitted by CTSchorsch on Tue, 2020-04-21 15:55

Dear all,

is it possible to add the TMP100 sensor to the firmware ? i want to use it to measure the temperature near the FETs. its really small and easy to read out.

But i dont know how to configure an additional I2C Port and where to add the code in the firmware



VESC debugging without optimization

Siverian's picture
Submitted by Siverian on Sun, 2020-04-05 01:47

Hello everyone,

I have an idea to convert car alternator as a motor. Form a physical point of view the motor is a synchronous engine as BLDC is. But in case alternator I have to apply current to the rotor. To control the current I want to extend VESC firmware. During the investigation the FW I've faced with an issue that if I disable optimization (-O0 CFLAG in .make) the FW is stuck in mc_interface_init(&mcconf) method in setup (main.c).

Does anyone have an idea of how to debug VESC FW?


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