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VESC Firmware

Duty cycle take 95% when motor released

Submitted by Rarikao on Mon, 2019-12-23 08:57

Hi everybody,

First time making a topic here. My problem is the following.

I have build 2 V6 controller and on one of them, the duty cycle take the max value (95%) when the motor is released. This value is show on VESC tool with RT mode.

This duty cycle is not apply except at the begin when exit from motor release mode.

I am using the controller through CAN. All input are off (ADC, PPM and "no App" on General setup).

3.64 can_scan breaks with ppm enabled.

Submitted by fessyfoo on Fri, 2019-12-20 20:40

HI, I upgraded to vesc 3.64/vesc-tool 1.27 on a dual foxbox (legacy) setup connected via can bus.

my default secondary can id is 84. primaray is 21.

can_scan identifies 84. however if I enable the PPM app or the PPM + UART app then the can_scan will show the secondary device as id 93 or sometimes 92. can forwarding fails. on all 3 ids, 84, 93, and 92. changing the remote can id to 1 and master to 0 has similar effect. with the secondary being seen as id 9 or 10 instead of 1.


Submitted by nidhirao on Tue, 2019-12-17 13:56

I want to see implementation of VESC PID controller. I am able to get duty cycle mode working. But speed control mode I am unable to get efficiently working. Any help will be appreciated.

No reverse after FW update from 3.62 to 3.63

Stupidspencer's picture
Submitted by Stupidspencer on Sun, 2019-12-15 20:34

Has anybody else lost reverse after the most recent firmware update?  I built a new battery for my board to improve top speed. The old one was 10S9P and the new one is 12S10P, so I had to change my settings in VESC tool for the new pack. VESC tool said a new firmware was available so I installed it without any issues. I went through the FOC wizard and input wizard and then changed all the other settings necessary to get everything working how it was before.

VESC 6 CAN Command and Telemetry Formats

Submitted by TerraHawk on Thu, 2019-11-21 20:29

I have looked all over and failed to find command and telemetry information in a convenient package. I dug through the VESC 6 firmware and extracted what I believe are the correct formats. 

I am looking for somebody to glance over my PDF and see if the formats look roughly correct. I will get to test  it next week to verify but if I have made an obvious error, it would be good to learn it now.

Thank you.


Current sense SNA/SPA swapped. Where to adjust the code?

Submitted by shaman on Fri, 2019-11-08 14:51

I am using the integrated current sense amps in the DRV8301 in addition to a seperate low-side current sense ampin order to measure all 3 phase currents. I accidentally swapped the SNA and SPA traces on the DRV8301. TI had actually swapped the names of these pins for the newer DRV8353 and I made the mistake of assuming it was the same for the older DRV. So now I'm looking to compensate for this in the code. Does anyone know off the top of their head where in the code I can simply change the polarity of the measured current for these phases? 


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