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load cell data logging

Submitted by magnus.w on Thu, 2019-05-02 00:21


I've got a loadcell with hx711 which is loging thrust from my motor. I would like to be able to get this data into vesc_tool. At the moment I am logging on a raspberry pi, but could the hx711 be connected to the vesc (vesc six) so that it handles all the logging? Sugestions on how or where to find the right documentation?

Voltage measurement calibration?

Submitted by pyryjansson on Tue, 2019-04-30 20:19


Is there a way to calibrate the measured voltage of the Vesc? I´m having a slight difference between my own control screen and voltage seen by the Vesc tool (Dmm says 41.03v and Vesc tool says 40.30v) makes the Battery % monitor on the mobile app show 85% on a full battery..

Finally got my 5-month project finished, trying to make some finishing touches and that is bugging me.. 

10s4p -- 2080w-- 77km/h-- 50km -- sk3 6374 149kv


How to activate e-brake on e-scooter with the throttle

Submitted by Donatas Sukelis on Sat, 2019-04-27 10:09


Hi guys :)
Just can't find info how to activate e-brake on e-scooter with the throttle. I connected to throttles one on ADC another one ADC 2. Both are working.

Just one on ADC2 seems doing nothing. On VESC tool i typed a lot options like ( current no reverse Brake ADC2 or other ) and didnt get active anyway.
Can somone halp me?

Multiple VESC's in duty cycle mode

Submitted by Rudolf10000 on Sat, 2019-04-20 13:24


Hey everybody,

i have 3 BLDC on 3 VESC. each of them , single connected runs perfect in duty cycle mode. (i need low speed , high power)

If i connect them via can bus, the one with ID 0 runs ok, the others run without power and like in current no brake mode.

Where do i set multiple vesc's via canbus = true ? only on ID 0 ? or on all.

I am a little confused.

Vesc tool v.1.08 .  VESC 4.1

Can somebody help me ?

Thanks in advance



Dual Motor Setup Wizard Not working 1.08

Submitted by captclearleft on Tue, 2019-04-16 01:05


Hello, and thanks in advance.

I cannot get the dual motor setup to work with this new setup in 1.08.  (see link below for image) 


The old setup wizard seemed real straight forward, but I have no idea what I am doing with this new format (and I cant find any documentation on the new 1.08 App Settings // Can-bus // dual motor...)

Updated Firmware on 2 New VESC's says firmware doesnt match when connected by CanBus Cable

Submitted by vesserik on Mon, 2019-04-08 21:10


We got 2 new Vedder turnagy VESC 4.12 today to replace the older VESC that got burned out. Using the new VESC tool and seems like the old way of setting up the motors input by selecting master and slave is out, and the new way of pushing the settings over CanBus is the way to go. Problem is we get a firmware mismatch error even though we have updated both VESC's Multiple times. Anyone have any idea what we are doing wrong?

EDIT: Downloaded a Older version of the VESC tool and worked great. 

How to determine motor size in wizard, hub motors ?

Submitted by Photolad61 on Mon, 2019-03-25 19:43


Great tool thank you !

From the image choices for motor size in the  wizard, I just see images of motor size, weight, and type. Yes simple setup wizard.

 Not really sure which one to choose for size, I don't know the weight, but they're out runner motors, hub motors for skate board.

I've done the detections  for mini = 10 amps, small = 17 amps, medium = 27 amps, these are unloaded tests. Are these the settings I'm supposed to use  for motor max ?


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