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motor detection - what to expect when spinning up the motor

Submitted by grantmoy74 on Sat, 2019-12-28 11:58


Hi Folks

The documentation and the Wizards that come with the VESC Tool are great, though I think there is some additional detail that would be helpful.

I recently and for the first time connected my dual VESC, updated the firmware and then initiated the motor detection wizard.  The motor spun up to a low RPM and then executed a couple of very slow intermittent motor revolutions and emitted a couple of 'clicks' .  Is the expected behavior when detecting a new motor? 

An understanding of what is normal would be very useful, for instance:


Submitted by nidhirao on Tue, 2019-12-17 10:13


I am trying to configure my vesc with a hub motor and support of hall sensors. Only the duty cycle mode is working well. I don't think the PID control is working. How do I go about it? I need it to maintain the same speed throughout. In the control mode speed control + PID is not working well. Please can someone help me with how to control these parameters?


Submitted by Filcas on Tue, 2019-12-10 19:29


Hello Guys,

Using FOC motor control, and selecting ADC or PPM for the input, everytime we select the positive ramping time (0.10sec or even 10.00s) it  does not changing the ramping time.

But, if we select negative ramping time and set it for like 2sec, then the positive ramping time goes along, meaning positive ramping is 2 sec.

Resuming, positive ramping time is only affected by the setting on the negative ramping time. 

DC MOTOR connected to FLIPSKY 4.20 MINI

Submitted by CatalinCHIRICA on Mon, 2019-12-02 18:20


Hello. I connected my trolling motor 24v 840w to the Flipsky 4.20 mini for the purpose to be controlled with remote vx1.

I follow the wizard steps on VESC Tool in connecting the DC motor on pins A and C, but when using the remote the motor makes buzzing noise and no spinning.

I test the motor separate on a pwm controller and works both directions.

Maybe one of the my steps, is wrong ?! Somebody can help me with any tutorials???  Thanks in advance.



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