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Noise related issues?

Submitted by RDN2003 on Sun, 2020-07-26 20:17

Hi, I have a Flipsky 200a waterproof vesc and I have some weird problems with it.

1. Recently I started using HFI with values fairly close to the defaults on 12s and with a max motor current of 180a. I used my laptop plugged into the USB port to set it up, but when I would push the throttle and the motor would start up, the vesc tool would disconnect. On this Flipsky vesc, all of the data wires run very close to the power in wires, so could this be causing enough noise to mess up the usb connection?

Smooth control 3 phase sensored motor

Submitted by spacewalker on Thu, 2020-07-23 07:25

Hey  good people 

I see most of you are expert,   hope I not offend   anyone , but I am loosing my mind.....I am new 

Quick story , bought 2  Fsesc  4.12  for Gokart project and new wheel's hub  800W  13S

On the bench I am  use  PWM controller, to  do proper adjust , because in Gokart I will use my Arduino  project  with PWM output 

So  finally I am  able to  run  both way  my motor hub, but   it always  run full speed  or stop 

PWM mapping see  proper  movement of  PWM  signal ,  max , middle , min 

Safe Start of Hoverboard Motor

Submitted by marc.s.cohn@gma... on Thu, 2020-07-23 01:39

I am using VESC 4.12 with a hoverboard motor to provide force feedback steering for racing simulator.  The VESC is powered with a 24V power supply, and controled via PWM signal from an Arduino Leonardo board in duty cycle mode.  All works well with the exception when I power up the VESC by plugging in the power supply, I get a sharp movement of the motor about 3 seconds after power up.  This happens weather I have the ESC connected to the PWM signal or not.  Kind of scary if you have your hands on the wheel when it powers up.

High speed braking failure

Submitted by danspratt on Wed, 2020-07-22 23:58

I have made an electric scooter, using a 12080 motor, the Trampa 75/300 on a 12s battery. I have it running in "current no reverse brake ADC2" with FOC commutation. The scooter works fine, accelerates smooth and fast and brakes well, until going over 35mph or so. At which point using the brake "throttle" (a thumb throttle connected to ADC2) produces a slow clicking from the motor and 0 braking force. It clicks every second or so, until air resistance brings the speed back under 35mph the brakes will suddenly kick in and work as normal.

3.3V/5V External Electronics Raspberry Pi

Submitted by ed muthiah on Sun, 2020-07-19 16:38


I saw on the VESC documentation that it is able to provide 3.3V or 5V to external electronics, on the board I'm assuming this is from the section labelled 'sensor.'

Could someone please tell me if and how I can power some of my own electronics from the ESC like an LED strip/raspberry pi/arduino?



Max eRPM with latest firmware

Submitted by kubark42 on Fri, 2020-07-17 19:10

I love VESC, but I'm looking for an ESC which can run at up to 250k eRPM. I have found dated posts which refer to slower speeds, such as 60k, then 150k, and then 200k. What is the current state of affairs? Max speed is both a limitation of hardware and software, so if the software comes close to supporting it are there controllers which have FETs which are better suited to these very fast speeds?


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