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Motor draws current (up to 120 A), but doesn't turn

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Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2020-01-01 19:01
Posts: 13
Motor draws current (up to 120 A), but doesn't turn

I am currently pre-testing my motor setup without load. I have 2 sets of a Trampa VESC 6 Mk III and a Golden Motor 3 kW BLDC motor (7.8 kg) each. Battery voltage is 51 V. My control input is via COMM contacts using the pins VCC, GND and ADC1. The mapping I used was the default one: start with 0.9 V center at 2.0 V full at 3.0 V.  I did run the setup wizzard and suppose the motor data are recorded correctly. After a couple of tries the motor did spin nearly as it should. I will use the motors at a boat, so I need the motor going forward and back. The control type I choosed was "Current Reverse Center", IIRC. But after starting to spin (fore or back) the motor was always nearly at full speed - I think because of no load. So I changed the control type and the result was ok.

I tried to do the same with the other set of controller an motor but it doesn't work at all. And after comparing the settings of both VESC's and changed some values just to test the results, the older setup is also no longer working. The motors sometimes take current up to 120 A (restricted current setting) but don't spin at all. The diagrams seem to show motor currents which are changing the direction very quickly therefore no resulting spin of the rotor.

I don't understand what the ADC2 pin will do - I would like to disable this input. After I noticed that the mapping of the Voltage input of the throttle did show 1.4 V to 1.5 V at ADC2 without connection of the pin other than a thin 20 cm open wire, I think there will be an induced voltage caused of the magnetic field of the battery/motor current.

Is someone ableto give me hints? I would appreciate that very much.

Gruß, Günter