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issue by control brushed DC with VESC 4.12

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Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2020-04-26 15:31
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issue by control brushed DC with VESC 4.12

Hello everybody, I'm running a Segway project right now. I would like to drive two brushed DC motors (450 watts and 9. 7 Nm) with the motor controllers FSESC 4. 12. With the Arduino code set_current I set the current to 7 A. The motor controllers also convert this set current. (7A and duty cycle of 19%). Hardware: FSESC 4. 12, Firmware 3. 62 VESC Tool Stand 1. 25

issue: after holding/stopping the motor by a counter-moment, the motor current briefly breaks in and then rises again to 7A, but then the motor only rotates very slowly (jerking) -->Perhaps the displayed motor current does not correspond to reality, because the battery current is significantly lower than with undisturbed idling. The duty cycle drops to approx. 2%.

After the motor has stopped due to a counter-moment, the motor runs slowly until the power supply to the motor is temporarily interrupted, e. g. For example, a change in the Arduino signal to a current of 0A. A change in signal from, for example, 7A to 10A keeps the motor running slowly. An interim "over-current error"; has been fixed by adjusting the maximum permissible battery current (increased from 20A to 30A). Nevertheless, the behavior of the motor remains the same. After the motor has been forced to stop at zero speed, the speed is significantly lower than before. This is not the case if only a slight counter-moment is applied, which is not sufficient for a standstill of the motors. After the slight counter-moment is removed, it adjusts against the original speed. Why doesn't this happen even when there is a forced standstill?

I hope you can help me!