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VESC Firmware

Encoder Index Interrupt Code

Submitted by dylanm on Sat, 2021-09-18 00:05


Is there an issue in the IQR_HANDLER for the encoder index pulse?

    if (EXTI_GetITStatus(HW_ENC_EXTI_LINE) != RESET) {

        // Clear the EXTI line pending bit

how to build new bin code on win10

Submitted by yiannis on Wed, 2021-09-15 21:05

Hi i want to make a Vesc drive similar to Vesc_75_300 but with less amperage, i know what change need to do in firmware, but i do not know how to build this 

new bin code in win10, i see one video on youtube but is in ubuntu.

I have download the eclipse but i dont know if can build bin code from there, i do not use ever before.

Custom firmware workflow

Submitted by BDJ on Fri, 2021-09-10 13:50


 First thank you all for the job made for VESCs

I'm new to VESC and I would like to make a new custom firmware for my application. But I'm not sure about the the workflow. And I also struggle to rewrite appconf and mcconf files. 

What I planned to do is compile a new firmware using the makefile after modifying appconf_default.h, mcconf_default.h and app_adc.c where I need to make modifications. 

Then flashing the firmware  .bin file using VESC tool custom firmware function. 

Flipsky ESC 6.6 - How to Compile? [fixed]

Submitted by hoeken on Tue, 2021-08-31 03:33

I'd like to try a few changes to the firmware, and I am using a Flipsky FSESC 6.6.  It showed up in VESC Tool as hardware '60' and works fine with the default firmwares.  I've checked out vedderb/bldc from github, updated it to the regular hw60, and then compiled it.  It uploads to the board fine, but it doesn't work.  Is there something I'm missing here?  I'd like to figure out the workflow to get a firmware exactly like the existing v5.2 release before trying anything fancy.  Here is my git diff from the master branch of vedderb/bldc.  Thanks in advance for any help!

Control System of VESC

Submitted by mm_iem on Wed, 2021-08-25 14:52

So I'm new to the VESC world. But maybe some of you guys could help me out with a little information.

I have seen the VESC Git repo:

But can someone tell me were are the functions defined for the control system?

When I use the VESC in FOC mode, I need to calculate the parameters like I_d and I_q but in which folder or part of Benjamins Code are those calculations.

The connected VESC has test firmware, and this is not a test build of VESC Tool. You should update the firmware urgently, as thi

Submitted by Thomas W Donohue on Sat, 2021-07-17 14:26

I am very new to using vesc.

I have a Trampa 2wd spur gear with two VESC 6 

I am trying to get the firmware updated but I get this message 

The connected VESC has test firmware, and this is not a test build of VESC Tool. You should update the firmware urgently, as this is not a safe situation.

Any help would be appreciated

and thank you . 

Disabling the bluetooth function of the VESC

Submitted by Hermann Schnaeuzle on Thu, 2021-07-15 13:25

I would like to disable the Bluetooth function of the VESC, so no one can connect to it via Bluetooth
and you have to physically get to the VESC and connect for example via USB to change the settings.

I couldn't find an existing function for that if there is one already, so I thought maybe it's possible to
take the firmware source code and set something like "Bluetooth_Enable" from "1" to "0" and rebuild it.

Use Mutexes within the ppm app

Submitted by talabo on Thu, 2021-07-15 12:25


I'm working on a custom firmware, where I wish to use the "servo_val" variable from the ppm app. I save the servo_val to another variable in the ppm loop to ensure I don't save the servo_val value at difference stages, such as before deadband, etc. And to avoid any corrupt reading of the variable from the custom app thread I'm trying to use "chMtxTryLock" and "chMtxUnlock".



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