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VESC Firmware

Can't seem to downgrade firmware on my VESC 6 MKV

Submitted by curiousgeorge on Thu, 2021-12-02 08:46

I bought a VESC 6 MKV that has firmware 5.2 on it. I'm trying to downgrade to a custom version of 5.02 that will allow for servo control, but whenever I upload the firmware through vesc_tool version 3.00. It gets to 100% on the green bar, then the debug log gets this message, right before disconnecting itself:

2021-12-01 18:08:23: Status: Serial port error: Device not configured

When I reconnect to the VESC, it still has firmware 5.2

Things I tried:

Right hardware for FW:60 and FSESC6.6

Submitted by alexantosh on Wed, 2021-12-01 19:40

Hello, am on my quest to finding the right board selection that was made for the HW:60 FW. Or in short how do I recompile code from Benjamin's BLDC repo for firmware 5.2 HW:60? what  changes do i need to make?

it surely is not one of the following according to the asking and digging around i have been doing:

Importance of the MK version and Determining the MK version of the VESC

Submitted by alexantosh on Tue, 2021-11-23 12:15

Hello. I have a VESC6 based ESC. It is VESC tool compatible. I want to flash the VESC_servoout.bin firmware onto the ESC. Now I have the following two concerns stemming from the fact that its only till VESC tool 2.03 that the VESC_servoout.bin firmware is provided. I managed to find the repo that contains these firmware bin files  but there are different versions depending on the VESC's MK numbers (III, IV, V ...).

1. Is there a way that I can determine the MK number of the VESC that my ESC is using?

How difficult would it be to add code to read an external EEPROM, and deactivate/activate depending on a value

Submitted by PaulMakesThings on Thu, 2021-11-11 09:55

I'm working on something for a quick proof of concept. And since I need to customize the code for a BLDC driver I've gotten two VESC based drivers to work with.

I was wondering, how hard would it be to use one of the ports to read an EEPROM, and if a given value is read, don't run, otherwise run as usual. That's all I need it to do. But I don't have the dev toolchain set up. Nor is the same EEPROM library likely to work. Since time is limited I'd just like to feel out how practical this is.

Here is an example of how I read the needed code on Arduino

Which firmware do I need

Submitted by Luka-Zagar on Tue, 2021-10-19 22:24

Hello guys,

I would appreciate some help :). I got a VESC from my uncle and I would like to use it with my custom electric skateboard. Pictures below.

The software is telling me to update the firmware, but I don't know which hardware version it is (is it possible to figure it out).

The second question is: The VESC is 12S tolerant or am I wrong? (is there a chance to get a datasheet)

Thanks in advance.

Green LED on older VESC, v4.12?

Submitted by smith2e7 on Mon, 2021-10-18 17:42

Hello. I have nice operation of my VESC 4.12? from China when I operate in PWM mode and connected to a Futaba R617FS receiver. 

I used the VESC Input Wizard to calibrate the VESC to the pulsewidth range of the R617FS.

Now I have built my own electronics to generate RC pulses, for use instead of the RC receiver.

My electronic assembly makes pulses just like those of the RC receiver: same pulse period, same range of pulsewidth.

The VESC responds to the signals from the RC receiver and it gives a very bright green LED.

Connection to MTSVESC6.0 Mini

Submitted by Paul Tingault on Thu, 2021-10-07 13:31


I'm a VESC beginner and I have bought a MTSVESC6.0 Mini from Maytech but I can't connect it to VESC tool. I haven't found installation tutorial about this model of ESC.

I have a STlink V2 to link the ESC and my computer but VESC tool  don't recognize my ESC.

Which pins have I to connect and how start with this model ?

Thanks in advance for your help,






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