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Connection to MTSVESC6.0 Mini

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Paul Tingault
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2021-09-24 10:15
Posts: 2
Connection to MTSVESC6.0 Mini


I'm a VESC beginner and I have bought a MTSVESC6.0 Mini from Maytech but I can't connect it to VESC tool. I haven't found installation tutorial about this model of ESC.

I have a STlink V2 to link the ESC and my computer but VESC tool  don't recognize my ESC.

Which pins have I to connect and how start with this model ?

Thanks in advance for your help,





Last seen: 3 weeks 8 hours ago
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This is actuall third party HW and the Vendor should give you instructions.....

However, these Videos should help you:

ST-Link is not needed. USB to Computer is enough.

Paul Tingault
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2021-09-24 10:15
Posts: 2

I haven't USB port on my ESC, this is the reason why I think I have to use a ST linkV2.

In the VESC tool, there are no available USB Serial Port when I connect ST link and ESC.

I have installed ST link driver but there is no change.

Last seen: 3 weeks 8 hours ago
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Well, it is no VESC, it is a Maytech ESC that is supposed to be compatible with VESC-Tool. The design is probably not from them either, but from someone who designed it and published the files.

However, they must guide you, since it is their product! The company can't expect that customer support is outsourced.