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VESC Firmware

Why such an old ChibiOS?

Submitted by jackherer on Fri, 2021-04-16 17:03

I'm a very cutting edge kinda guy when it comes to software. I see we a e now on ChibiOS 20.3.3 bit vesc is still using 3.0.5!! That version is now 5 years old, and with 17 major versions released in that time, I reckon it might be an idea to upgrade the ChibiOS version. 


I'm only a basic C programmer though (I'm a python guy, meaning to learn C for the past ten years 🤣) 

Query regarding removing code that is not needed for my project

Submitted by jackherer on Thu, 2021-04-15 21:41

I am wanting to remove all the code from the VESC firmware that I will never need. So I will never use any kind of servo, and so I don't need all the encoder code then??

I will only be using hall sensors or sensorless.

As I'm going through the code and removing everything related to servos and encoders I came across the mc_interface_get_pid_pos_now function in mc_interface.c:

What are the meaning of some of the MCCONF values...

Submitted by jackherer on Thu, 2021-04-15 17:25

When looking at the firmware code in order to develop a custom firmware version, I have found most of the code to be self expanatory. 

But there are a few defines that are bugging me.

So firstly what is MCCONF_L_IN_CURRENT_MAX in mcconf? I am not sure if its for the max current from regen braking back to the battery or if its max current from the battery into the controller. 


Need help understanding how VESC firmware works

Submitted by khojka on Sun, 2021-04-11 16:55


I have a VESC and I'd like to see how it works. I tried reading the firmware source code but it isn't exactly clear for me how and where the motor is commutated, i.e. where the actual code that does that is. So, where can I find the thread (I'm assuming) that spins the motor?


VESC Firmware Change, No Longer Connects

Submitted by wj311 on Wed, 2021-03-10 22:40

I am using a VESC 6 MK V from Trampaboards while following the build guidelines given by the F1Tenth competition procedures on Ubuntu 20.04. However, these instructions are seemingly out of date and I had no way to interface with servos, previously done by servoout.bin in the firmware configuration. After looking at multiple versions of the tool (2.03, 2.06, and 3.0) I still could not find a pre-made solution.

SPI communication

Submitted by CTSchorsch on Tue, 2021-03-09 22:31

Hi all,

i want to communicate over a hoperf rfm95w module with my vesc. this module is spi based. On my hardware pins for spi3 are available. 
is it a good approach to do this in my hw_xx.c file ? Or is there another Place to jump in ?






long range tunnel for bluetooth module

Submitted by heiguga on Tue, 2021-03-09 18:03

For my paraglider winch control I want to have a remote access to the VESC controller with the android app.

I am thinking about "tunnelling" the UART interface for the bluetooth module based on two E32-433T30D modules (full duplex serial link based on LORA). 


Could my approach work?




Cannot update to FW5.2.

Submitted by Ba1tuks on Thu, 2021-03-04 21:09


I am running Vesc 6 MK5 and Vesc 4.12 in my setup. None of them I am able to update to new 5.2 firmware using Vesc Tool 3.00. Says that compatible firmware is only 5.0 and 5.1.

How to update the firmware? Where to find firmware files separately ?

VESCS seen some use and abuse, so they have been repaired a few times, MCU's were replaced and reflashed. But until now, updates installed perfectly fine.


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