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FlipSky VESC 4.12 FW 3.62 BATTERY_TYPE_LIION_3__4_2

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FlipSky VESC 4.12 FW 3.62 BATTERY_TYPE_LIION_3__4_2

Motor 350 W/36V Hoverbordmotor, connection sensless. Motor detection fails reason -11 (motor wizzard). Trying to start motor: status LED flashing red light 3 times, motor does't turn but VESC getting warm.

Failure occours suddently after working without any problem for several times. Starting it after some weeks with the same configuration the processor on the VESC was damaged. I bougt 2 new ones. One was always damaged by testing it first time. The second one shows also red light flashing for three times when trying to turn motor. Motor does't turn. Is there anyone who has an idea ?

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Flipsky should give you support on this matter. It looks like a HW issue.