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Wand Displaying Wrong Voltage %.

Submitted by WastedYouth on Sat, 2021-10-23 17:37

I'm new to eSkate, & updated the firmware on my Trampa board (2 VESC 6) without saving the config file.

After using the Motor Wizard & re-connecting the Wand, the Wand is reporting 10% less battery voltage than actual.

With the batteries @ a storage charge of 55%, the Wand is displaying 45%.

Any idea why this would be happening?

VESC "underpowered" vs Kunteng Controller experience

Submitted by andyw2005 on Thu, 2021-10-21 23:54

Hey all,

Appreciate that VESC's are usually in the eBoard domain, but thought it interesting to take a punt on a MakerX 75/100, none the less, on my custom e-scooter (M365 pro front motor)

Though dead silent (FOC). The acceleration is way behind the kunteng's despite following multiple instructions, setting up a thumb controller and understanding the basics.

Controling two motors with Dual FSESC6.6 in two directions

Submitted by Rafal on Sat, 2021-10-16 13:47


I am trying to build a sumo-robot using Dual FSESC6.6. and I would like to control two motors in two directions. With the application I can control the motors only in the same direction.
What shoud I do or what should I use to control both motors in the opposite or the same direction whenever I want?

Kind regards,


Assistance for VESC controlled electric bike

Submitted by Motch on Tue, 2021-10-12 05:40

So for my High School subject, I have built an electric bike and planned to use a VESC Controller to control it.
I have gotten into the final steps and now need to program the VESC to function correctly, I haven't found a good explanation of how I would do this for something that isn't a skateboard.
The motor is a Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 - 6374-149KV Brushless Outrunner Motor

Starting rotation by changing duty cicle- current increases shortly (ms) and dcreases immediately to 0A

Submitted by simon_snow on Wed, 2021-10-06 22:15

Hello together, 

I am new in this forum. I started using the VESC because I´ve designed an own 3D-printed Motor. 

I have following problem and really hope you can help me. 

After I made the motor setup (which worked very well) I want to start motor rotation by changing the duty cycle (buttom left). When I push the play-button the current goes for just a few ms to nearly 0,05A and then immediately decreases to 0A. It can´t be a short cicuit (don´t know if this is the correct word ;) ) because otherwise a correct setup would not be possible....

What is limiting the speed?

Submitted by ProgramThyself on Wed, 2021-10-06 20:07

I have a VESC 6 MK IV with 5.02 firmware and recently upgraded the battery from 10s to 13s (above spec, I know).  Near the top speed that I expected for this  battery (30 km/h), the VESC keeps cutting out (see plot).  The dark green trace often rises to 31 km/h and then the current drops to 0 without throttle change or a fault.  Is there is a setting I forgot to change?  ERPM at 35k is far below the 81k limit.

Cannot use BLE in combination with Custom App anymore after upgrading

Submitted by Gatze on Wed, 2021-10-06 12:27

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to update the FW of my VESC Hardware Version 4.12 from 3.63 to 5.02. Normally this isn't a big deal but the thing is, I have a custom app which integrates a cruise control in my speed knob.

So I followed this explanation again:

Wheels only rotate about a quarter of a turn

Submitted by Appearance on Mon, 2021-10-04 17:57

Just looking for some advice. Configured motors on the VESC and all semeed well, they spin when testing. Unfortunately, when I try to accelerate using the remote (board is upside down), the wheels just turn a quarter, stop, and the remote beeps. Links of setup are attached. Advice would be great!




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