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Using dual VESC for Robot Control

Submitted by Praveen on Sat, 2021-11-13 11:02


I have two VESC 4.2 boards and two skateboard motors. I have tested both the motors with an RC Controller (FSi6/FSi6S) and they are working well on PPM (Hall sensor mode), Forward & Reverse.

How do I implement this on a robot with RC control? When I spliced the receiver to both the VESC's, as expected it works by moving both forward and reverse. However, what I need is to use the wheels on a skid steer control so that when moved sideways, one of the motor moves while other slows or halts.

Two VESCs, two three-phase windings, one motor stator

Submitted by kubark42 on Fri, 2021-11-12 21:29

I've got a motor which I could reconfigure to have two wholly separate three-phase windings, but on the same stator lamination stack. Instead of one three-phase winding with 6 teeth pairs per phase, each pair spaced 60 degrees from its neighbors, it would become two three-phase windings with 3 pairs each, the pairs spaced 120 degrees apart.

The application is for a torque-driven propeller, so control would be purely current.

Motor Controller Recommendations - 84V max - 50A Continuous

Submitted by dylanu on Thu, 2021-11-11 22:54

I am working though a one (or two) motor kick-scooter design and specifying a reasonably sized motor controller has been challenging until stumbling upon the VESC Project.

I'm looking for some controller recommendations that will pair well with the battery I plan on using:

72V nominal voltage (84v Fully charged)
50A continuous discharge
100A peak discharge

Weird behavior when trying to do position control with the AS5047 encoders

geoporus's picture
Submitted by geoporus on Thu, 2021-11-11 18:41

Hello everyone!

This is my first post on the VESC project forums. I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question in so, if this topic would be more suitable for another forum here please do let me know!

Braking noisy on Hoverboards hubs .

Submitted by lurch on Mon, 2021-11-08 15:59

I have a FSESC4.2 with 2 hoverboards hubs . FOC mode and 12s battery ...  good détection , smooth running ..

 But a growl under heavy braking. I made a log of each vesc. the master (where the receiver of my vx2 is connected) has a strange behavior. from the vertical line, soft braking (no noise) and then hard braking. we see the duty and the motor current that delirious. it is proportional to the braking / regen current. currently at -25 / -20A. I need these values ​​to brake properly. An idea ?

Encoder disconnection caused shoot through mosfet fire during regen?

Submitted by devmonkey on Sun, 2021-11-07 18:17

We had a catastrophic failure today on a VESC 75/300 based unit (3rd party not Trampa). It happened during a long (10 minute) regen when the as5047 encoder became disconnected (unplugged) whilst we were commanding a brake current of 10A, I don't know if the encoder disconnection was the cause or just a coincidence as I only noticed after the fire had stopped. Battery was at 60v and regen voltage was significantly lower.

All but 3 of 18 fets burnt out which suggests a shoot through.

Current filters on VESC MKIII?

Submitted by Elwin on Sat, 2021-11-06 11:16

Hi Benjamin,

I was trying to analyse the impact of the analog current filters in the control loops. It seems there is only a little amount of lowpassing on the current sensors of the VESC 6 MK III. I tried to find the R and C values in the schematics, but was not able to find these for the MK III.

I was looking at the schematic of the MK V, but I expect that it must have a different design. Those filters should definitely be visible in my measurement.

Can you please give me the MK III schematic, or the R and C values of the lowpass filter?


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