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Cannot reach max speed of BLDC motor

rousha42's picture
Submitted by rousha42 on Wed, 2021-11-03 20:23

I have the VESC 6 MkV, a 36V supply, and a 900W BLDC sensorless e-bike motor. Using a simple POT in the PPM input to control speed, mapping it as duty cycle no reverse or PID no reverse (both seem to work fine, duty cycle is a little smoother). I can only get the motor to run around 2700 rpm when it should be able to reach 5000 rpm. Are there any settings in the VESC Tool that I need to change? I set the max ERPM to allow it to go to 5000 rpm, shouldn't it just work?

FRF measurement functionality

Submitted by Elwin on Sun, 2021-10-31 01:06

I would like to see an FRF measurement functionality implemented in the VESC. This functionality gives you the amplitude and phase response of for example the current loop.


Required "ingredients"

1. Noise injection.

2. Trace functionality.

3. Averaging.

4. FRF calculation.

5. Bode plot functionality.


1. Noise injection.

noisy braking on vesc4

Submitted by lurch on Sat, 2021-10-30 10:30


I run2 hubs hoverboard motors on a fsvesc4.2 .

They work very well with these parameters  :




KP 0,3

KI 141

observer gain 2,9

Kv 18~20

but I have grunts when braking hard. it looks like the vesc, from a certain level of braking, has trouble applying the correct cutting to the windings. do you know which parameter to modify? Previously on a Lingyitek esc, these hubs did not brake much, but did not growl. on vesc they brake very well. but it makes noise.

PAS 3-wire sensor : possible to check a digital input under VESC-toool?

Submitted by marc426 on Wed, 2021-10-27 00:26

Hi all,

I've tried to implement a 3-wire PAS sensor using a slightly modified code from RobertXuChun :

The code is supposedly reading from the TX pin (HW_PAS2_PORT points to HW_UART_TX_PORT under hw.h)

The code compiles correctly but it won't listen to the port. I've even tried with a function generator sending a 1 to 100Hz square signal directly on the TX pin but nothing comes out...


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