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FOC and RC Helicopter (25KG)

Submitted by Flyingtux on Tue, 2022-03-15 23:30


I'm trying to migrate from castle creation BLDC to vedder Maytech 75_300 FOC but not without any problems. I'm using 2x 12S8P li-ion batteries in // and a hacker Q80 28 motor (kv180, 5500W in burst).

Without blades, it seems working to run to the consign (speed pid without reverse, or current, foc or bldc). But with small air drag test blades an oscillation arrives during the increase and vesc stop abort increase. I need to increase to 105000ERPM. I set the frequency to 50KHz.


swap PWM H and PWM L Pins on STM32F4

Submitted by Urs_Harry on Tue, 2022-03-15 23:04

Hi, let's say someone (maybe me) made their own VESC based hardware and was so dumb to mess up the pins from the stm32 to the gate driver... so now STM-L -> GateDriver-H and STM-H -> GateDriver-L same for phase U ,V and W.

I don't want to make a new PCB if there is a chance to swap the pins in software or maybe it's sufficient to change the ADC timer from Up to down Count ? 



thanks : Harry




v1n23nt's picture
Submitted by v1n23nt on Tue, 2022-03-15 09:06

We’re controlling the VESC HD60T with PPM now.

But when running the motor, the output dips on the CAN status interval.

Setting the CAN Status 1-5 to Active on a frequency of 1Hz, we can hear and see the motors being interrupted for a short time.


It almost looks like the VESC can’t control the motor while sending the Status?

Is there a way to fix this, or prioritize the PPM before CAN?

need help/on line guiding with set up my vesc controller-willing to pay:)

Submitted by Guysin on Tue, 2022-03-15 06:43

hi guys


very frustrated with this vesc tool

cant understand why its so unfriendly

tried download 3 free different version that i found online 1.1  ,  2.1  ,  3.2  i think was not able to connect them to my flipsky fsesc 75200

claiming too old version and at the same time don't allow me to update the firm work.

the 3.2 version claim i didn't read all of the interaction? and didn't allow me to continue installing the window version on my laptop.

RC Car BLDC - Hall Effect Timing Angle Calculator

Submitted by mendez on Mon, 2022-03-14 19:20


Please see image below. Sensored-BLDCs for RC cars allow you to adjust/tune the hall-sensor's angle. I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction on how to calculate the sensor angles. There are some electronics/analizers that determine the Sensor's angle but I will like to do it with a VESC. 

I honestly can't find any information online on how to do it; but I've been doing some testing and I think is all about timing comparision between the commutation and phase voltage. Does anyone know if I'm on the right track? 

FOC : Stop Motor without Active Brake

Submitted by Flyingtux on Mon, 2022-03-14 12:35


Is is possible to use FOC without any braking current (like in other bldc controler)

I mean when I set braking current to 0A, engine never stops ? I do'nt understand since there is some fiction behind the motor so it cannot continue to turn without eating current !!!

Nota : My battery BMS is not reversible... how can I do ?

Ctrl : VESC 7.12 300A MAYTECH


Thanks in advance,








Torque Ramp Rate whilst in FOC

Submitted by J_W97 on Mon, 2022-03-14 11:50

Morning all,

I'm having a challenge understanding how to control the torque ramp rate (Nm/s) whilst in FOC.
It appears there is a parameter to control this (max current ramp step) whilst in BLDC mode, but not FOC.

Can anyone advise? My thoughts are if VESC does not support this then I'll have to implement this on my control side.



Is there a VESC with the form factor like a Votol EM200 ? (with those threaded lugs|Screw Terminals))

Submitted by Gatze on Sat, 2022-03-12 09:33

I'm looking for a VESC with this form factor:


Does anybody knows a VESC like this ?

I'm quite fan of the VESC and I will going to do a bigger project and want to stick to the VESC and preferable with those threaded lugs (I don't know if this is the right English name..)

Thanks in advance.




VESC usefull for high speed regeneration?

Submitted by Riccio on Fri, 2022-03-11 10:45

Hi guys I'm new on this community. The VESC project are really interested especially the facilitation for a noob like me.

My question is during regenerative operation if for example have a VESC that support 100V and a battery pack of 55V is it possible to spin the EM at the speed when it produce 100V and obtain from the VESC a voltage of 55V to the battery? Is it works vice versa when the motor spin at low speed and generate low voltage?

How much %Kw loss I can expect for this conversion if it is possible?



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