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[OT] Increase torque on DC brush motor

Submitted by Riccio on Mon, 2022-03-28 19:32

Hi guys, I'm sorry if I'm off topic you can delete the post if it not useful for the community. I want to ask a stupid question from a noob like me.

If I have a brush DC motor, in my case a MY1020 500W, is it possible to increase torque of the motor, in particular stall and low rpm torque (high RPM are useless in my application), replace the magnets with a greater number of it and with a strong performance material like neodymium?

I think that now are in ferrite. The number of teeth in the motor are twenty and magnets are four.

Limit battery voltage during regen

Submitted by f.damien12 on Mon, 2022-03-28 12:40


My motor is used to make sometime big regen.

My battery owns a BMS and as a result, I absolutely need to take care to not make the BMS trips, otherwise I will burn the VESC (because braking with battery disconnected generates overvoltage).

How to prevent regenerating if battery voltage is too high ? Example : the BMS will trip at 42,5V. To get a safety margin, I want the VESC not doing regen if voltage is greater than 41,5V.But I want to be able to discharge.

1) How to implement this behaviour ?

Cant connect to Flipsky 75100

Submitted by Ed222 on Sun, 2022-03-20 00:31

Hi All,

My first post.. First VESC, too. I've hooked my Flipsky 75100 to my computer (and battery and motor), and downloaded VESC Tool.  When I try to autoconnect, I am told "Could not autoconnect. Make sure that the USB cable is plugged in and that the VESC is powered."  My baud rate is set to 115200.. What am I doing incorrectly?


Vesc 100/250 (Trampa board) wiring for ebike

Submitted by Oded Mazor on Fri, 2022-03-18 23:34

planning to use a regular ebike throttle (hall). Do I connect it to the comm port - ground, ADC1 & VCC (is the vcc 3,3v?)?

the bluetooth module is connected also to the comm port via Tx, Rx, ground & 5v? that means the throttle & bluetooth module share ground. is this OK? 

2nd Maytech 75_300 burned

Submitted by Flyingtux on Wed, 2022-03-16 22:15


Today for the second time I burned a maytech 75_300  with:

12S liions

Motor Hacker Q80 8M 8m

drived via pwm

freq at 50Khz or 60KHz

Ctrl : pid speed no reverse

Current limits set to +-160A

erpm final consign at 100360erpm

no breaking 

the pwm from my autopilot increase from low duty to high duty cycle in on step, i'm using a 40 seconds rise up inside the pwm app to have a smooth ramp.


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