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Current limit problem

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Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2022-08-30 17:00
Posts: 4
Current limit problem


I'm quite new to this and I assume I'm just making some stupid miss, but really haven't been able to understand what it is.

I have a power supply that can give 30V/10A connected to the VESC and a motor controlled by it. I set the battery current limit to 10A, but it will not draw more than around 3A.

I set the battery current limit to 2A, then it stops at 2A.

Running it full speed I get up to around 10 000 RPM, and the eRPM limit is 100 000, lowering eRPM limit to 5000 gives approximately 1.5A, so that shouldn't be hindering it either.

The max motor current I'm not sure exactly how it should relate, but lowering that also makes the motor do less and less current draw, but sitting at 64A as default after configuration I assume it is not that.

Max wattage is also 1.5M W, and reducing that to 50 gives around 1.5A current also as expected.


I'm a bit lost, what could be blocking it from drawing more current?

Last seen: 3 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-22 01:27
Posts: 575

Do you have a load? Once you hit max duty cycle no more power will be drawn unless you increase the load.

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2022-08-30 17:00
Posts: 4

Ahh, thanks!

I'm just running it on the workbench so no load, and then I guess 10000 rpm is what I would expect under reasonable load also, just that the current will be higher?

Any suggestion for an easy way to put a load now while testing just to check how temperatures behave under higher currents?