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Kill switch

Submitted by 999dom999 on Thu, 2022-04-07 10:44

Forgive my ignorance, to set either adc or ppm to low do I connect ground to the signal wire?

I have a scooter with hydraulic disc brakes and I want to cut the motor while braking. The brake levers have sensors that are 2 wire "normally open" so I can join the 2 wires between signal and ground and it will make a connection when I pull the lever. Just checking this is the way to do it?

Kill Switch Settings


No kill switch is used.


Pid_Speed is braking despite no brake option

Submitted by Flyingtux on Thu, 2022-04-07 09:41


I'm using the vesc 75_300 with firmwware 5.3 version with pwm app

In "pid speed no reverse" mode (helicopter application), when the servo reach 0, I have a strong brake of the motor.

In "current mode no reverse", there is not his problem, current and duty seems always positive and I can stop more quickly without active braking.

Here is the graph screenshot with a pwm down ramp of 17s to avoid to break all my mechanic (no free wheel, so active breaking is prohibited)

Thanks in advance

Burned my VESC 6 MKV. Wrong polarity

Submitted by okhsunrog on Thu, 2022-04-07 01:44

<p>It's the first time I do such a stupid thing. I connected - to + and + to -. It was really late and I wasn't really careful soldering XT-90 connectors. So there was a loud sound and XT-90 connector turned black. I guess it was connected less than for a 1 second. When I connected it the right way afterwards, it didn't turn on. No LEDs were on. What can I do? Can I repair it? Is it worth fixing? It was a really expensive thing for me to buy, like a half of my salary and now I'm really worried. Can you help me, please?</p>

Using UART from LabVIEW

Submitted by hannnes on Tue, 2022-04-05 15:19

We are trying to controll the VESC using LabVIEW on a MyRIO, but we have some trouble figuring out how we can do that. We are therefore wondering if anyone has done something similar.

There is a block called "UART" in LabVIEW, that can be used to write a string to a TX pin. Can that be used to write commands to the VESC somehow?

Sorry if this question is more about LabVIEW than VESC, but I hope that someone can help us anyway. I have attached an image showing the code for the block.

Adjusting Acceleration Ramp with NRF & Current control

Submitted by Mido on Tue, 2022-04-05 14:36

Hi everyone, hope you're doing great !

I'm having a hard time adjusting the acceleration ramp on current control. It doesn't seem to change anything when I change the values of "Positive" & "Negative Ramping Time". 

Can please someone explain me how to smoothen the acceleration ramp in my situation ? Because it's too aggressive every time I use it.

Thanks a lot for your help angel


Problem with regenerative breaking

ligi's picture
Submitted by ligi on Sat, 2022-04-02 15:08

Having a VESC (6 MkV) on my CargoShuttle for a while now. Now want to do regenerative breaking - but face a problem. I set the breaking to ADC2 - and when pushing this throttle the same time as the current throttle on ADC1 there is no more motor rotation. But there is no breaking effect. Interestingly I see some effect when pushing the bicycle backwards (but I rarely drive backwards and really need no regenerative breaking in this direction) - but also I do not get negative current then - only positive current. 


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