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vesc app (iphone) brushed motor setting.

Submitted by outrunner on Tue, 2023-05-16 22:49

From what i can see there is not a spot to select brushed dc motor from the app, is this something i just missed or in a different tab?

From the pc application its under general->motor type->(BLDC/DC/FOC/GPD)

Moble app only seems to offer various sizes of inrunner or outrunner options.

Would the type of controller have an affect on this? tried a few different vesc based controllers.

static torque control

Submitted by wjpremerlani on Sun, 2023-05-14 13:52

I have a static torque control application that I am hoping to implement with a VESC and a permanent magnet brushless motor with Hall sensors.

It would be a subsystem in a control loop that would continuously adjust the torque applied to a torsional spring.

Most of the time the torque would be constant, so the motor would not be rotating. Both positive and negative torque would be needed.

Is this even possible to do? If so, how would I set up the VESC?

If it is not possible with a permanent magnet motor, how about an induction motor?

Motor is "pumping" under load in current control mode. is this normal?

Submitted by etienne on Sat, 2023-05-13 17:16


I've built an electrical winch for paragliders with a 12kw hub motor. It is operating with a VESC 75/300.

Today we wanted to test it's drag force before we are actually going to use it to launch a real paraglider.

We attached a "Quad" (a motorcycle with 4 wheels) to the line and started pulling. To measure the drag force in kilogram (or daN) we were using heavily the brake of the quad. 

Flipsky VESC 75200 replacement parts

Submitted by Matt26 on Sun, 2023-05-07 22:54


new here not sure if this is the right forum category for this, anyways . . 

I have the older version of the Flipksy 75200 VESC which I blew some components on the back of the board when I tried to run it on BLDC mode instead of the normal FOC. It looks like they are direct MOSFETs? 

Does anyone know where/ and if I could purchase new ones? The number on them is IYR 7769 JHZU 1332, with the Y looking more like a upside down triangle with a vertical line through it. 


Shutdown mode

Submitted by Akeela23 on Sat, 2023-05-06 01:50

Hey folks i'm a little stuck.. I was adjusting the shutdown mode on my VESC based esc and I moused wheeled to always_off without realizing I did it and wrote the config.. Only realizing my mistake after I reviewed my settings. I'm stuck with esc shutting down right away. How do I reset this?


Submitted by Khaliduzzaman Mredul on Fri, 2023-05-05 06:46

<p>Hello there. I am complete beginner to vesc.Recently I bought a dual mini fsesc 6.7 140a for the drive system of my battle bot. But the issue I am going through right now is that I am not being able to figure out how to control two motors in opposite direction for steering purpose as the particular esc has only one receiver connector. Can anyone please help me with it?</p>

just receaved my awesome new vesc 6 plus however it wont configurate i get an errot message. :(

Submitted by sabladask on Wed, 2023-05-03 16:15

i just got my new awesome vesc 6 pluss however when i try to configurate it i get the errrormessage suggestign a hardware issue..

the message states " reason: high offset on current sensor 2, check for hardware failure. "

the vesc is brand new and never been used, i also have uploaded the most up to date hardware? 

does any one have an idea to what i can do. 

i have previusly had multiple vescs and they have all worked straight out of the box.

thank you for any help best regards Hiorth. 

Bench Testing

Submitted by usaevo7 on Tue, 2023-04-25 16:50

Starting a new project helping a friend get his e-skate setup so Im learning from the ground up.  I checked all his wiring and it looks good.  He has the Flipsky FSESC4.20 100A and 2 - Flipsky 6354 / 190v motors from a few years ago, but they never got the unit running because they couldnt figure out the software setup side of things.  I loaded VESC tool and went step by step as Flipskys youtube video recommended but because the software is much newer things were obviously slightly different looking.  I did get several warnings that the firmware was out of date but Flip

VESC6 with DRV8320

Submitted by cromoly on Wed, 2023-04-19 02:40


I have an idea of taking the official vesc 6 schematic ( and replacing the drv8301 with drv8320.

Assuming that the pcb and the hardware designed correctly, will it work if I just change the hw_60_core.h by using #define HW_HAS_DRV8320 instead of the current #define HW_HAS_DRV8301? Are there any other changes I'll have to make?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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