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VESC Firmware

Problems with a small motor

Submitted by tuloski on Thu, 2018-09-13 17:27

Hi all,

I have two problems with a motor using FOC.

I'm controlling via PPM mapped into duty cycle. It's a small motor (max 300W) with KV=380.

The first problem is that giving 0.050 ms increments in the ppm (in a range 1-2ms ie steps of 5% of the total range) it happens that the motor stops completely as in the following figure.

FEATURE REQUEST - ADC Mapping selection

Submitted by Pimousse on Thu, 2018-09-13 09:44



I'm in the process of writing a mode feature and need to hook a button up.

Since I want my firmware to be compatible with all app (PPM, ADC...), mapping change across the mode selected.

I also use ADC3 for external temperature monitoring (and cutoff if too high).

Based on FW3.40, I obtain this mapping table :

Prevent Wheel-slip by low-pass filtering duty cycle output

Submitted by AlexBenn on Thu, 2018-09-13 07:50

Hi All, recently I have replaced the original ESC in my Evolve Gen2 Carbon board with a VESC. The performance increase is enormous, much of which I attribute to a higher motor current setting than perhaps the original controller was using. I also guess that Evolve did not use current-control, but rather some kind of hybrid duty control.

Uploaded Firmware, Not Updated

Submitted by kneave on Sat, 2018-08-18 21:02


I've two VESC boards and I'm trying to update the firmware, they both report as running fw3.38 and hw4.10 (though have 4.12 on the board...)  in the VESC tool (0.95). 

I can connect, it says the firmware is too old and to update it.  I go to the firmware page, select VESC_default.bin then click upload, it completes, throws the COM error as expected and after 30 seconds I cycle the power.  It still says it's running 3.38 and can only connect in limited mode.


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