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VESC Firmware

Travis CI

Submitted by paltatech on Tue, 2019-01-29 00:57

Just wanted to point out that this fork branch has Continuous Integration set up for the vesc firmware, along some extra info in the README

Hopefully we'll see this as part of the mainstream repo.

Unit testing and code coverage would be awesome, maybe someday...


Does the code right

Submitted by jennyxcy2008 on Mon, 2019-01-28 02:57

 I have tow question,Need to consult

1:switch (comm_step) {
      case 1: curr_samp_volt = (1 << 0) || (1 << 2); break; 
      case 2: curr_samp_volt = (1 << 1) || (1 << 2); break;
      case 3: curr_samp_volt = (1 << 1) || (1 << 2); break;
      case 4: curr_samp_volt = (1 << 0) || (1 << 1); break;
      case 5: curr_samp_volt = (1 << 0) || (1 << 1); break;
      case 6: curr_samp_volt = (1 << 0) || (1 << 2); break;

Firmware Modification Basics? Changing app_adc.c

Submitted by striderkent on Tue, 2019-01-15 22:00


I'm new to the VESC and having fun messing with it, but it seems many of the things I want it to do with ADC inputs I'm having to create external analog circuitry.

I'm sure that changing the firmware / code could create the same effects for me, but I'm completely lost as to how to make these updates.

Specifically: I want to have it look at ADC inputs and do certain if / then / else with it. I'll figure out the coding later.


I put the wrong firmware (48) on my 4.12 vesc from Hobbyking

Submitted by drawliphant on Mon, 2019-01-14 22:09

This has been a headache. I just intended to play with the VESC and ended up putting 48 firmware on it. I blew my drv chip but was able to replace it, but it still has the wrong firmware and nothing I do changes that. I went ahead and ordered a ST-link v2. Is it possible to fix firmware without it? If I do need it how do I use it? I have not been able to find a pinout diagram and want to make sure im using the most current bootloader.

Dual Hybrid mode

Submitted by L.ST on Sun, 2019-01-13 00:24


i'm new in the vesc world, and first of all i want to thank benjamin for all his work. vesc is the best solution for a brushless dc motor. second, sorry for my english. i normely speak german.

there are a lot of discussion about foc, bldc, sensored and sensorless motors. all of them has their advantages and disadvantages. foc mode have great torque and is quieter on the start but louses his benefits at high erpm because of switchinglosses (speciali on the vesc 4.xx because of the limitation of 20khz for the mosfet).

Apply current limits,1804 line mcpwm_foc.c

Submitted by aishangmu on Wed, 2019-01-09 09:47

// Apply current limits
// TODO: Consider D axis current for the input current as well.
const float mod_q = m_motor_state.mod_q;
if (mod_q > 0.001) {
utils_truncate_number(&iq_set_tmp, m_conf->lo_in_current_min / mod_q, m_conf->lo_in_current_max / mod_q);
} else if (mod_q utils_truncate_number(&iq_set_tmp, m_conf->lo_in_current_max / mod_q, m_conf->lo_in_current_min / mod_q);

Hard faults in mcpwm_foc.c?

Submitted by vesc_fault on Thu, 2019-01-03 07:00


I have been compiling the VESC firmware and have successfully gotten it operating in BLDC mode. However when I try to use the FOC functionality, I keep getting an IACCVIOL hard fault (Instruction access violation). It is reproduced by sending a brake current (any brake current) to the motor, or attempting to run the inductance measurement. 

Sensored BLDC problem - RPM spikes

Submitted by arsenix on Thu, 2018-12-27 05:41

I am working on a personal project where I am using a VESC to winch a load. I am controlling the VESC in current mode. I had trouble getting FOC mode to work, mostly because the acceleration/torque were too high and my speed loops would not close. BLDC works well, but I get some very nasty RPM spikes at low speed (<1000rpm) mostly when the motor transitions from one direction to the other.

Thread safety issues when using both serial and USB communication together

Submitted by vadimz on Sun, 2018-12-23 16:32

Hi all,


I'm seeing some bugs manifesting as replies being sent to the wrong channel and occasional CRC errors when using both UART and USB (VESC tool) at the same time.

I think I got most of them fixed, so if you encounter the same issues maybe this will come useful :

It can probably use some more stress testing before it's PR-worthy.




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