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VESC Firmware

3rd harmonic injection or SVPWM/ Midpoint Clamp for FOC

Submitted by ufechner on Sat, 2018-04-21 06:05

Is 3rd harmonic injection for FOC already implemented in the Firmware?
It allows a 15% higher motor voltage and thus higher speed for a given battery voltage
without the disadvantages of field weakening.

Furthermore it can help to reduce the speed ripple for quad-copter applications.

Firmware 3.37 too old, unable to Connect VESC_Tool

Submitted by Nico Isn on Wed, 2018-04-18 11:17


I have a vesc 6 to use it on an electric bike. I wanted to add an option to configure only the max current and the max ERPM by UART in order to control via a raspberry Pi.

I just started by adding the lines in commands_process_packet function, in command.c :

    // check if the code comes here
    send_buffer[ind++] = packet_id ;
    commands_send_packet(send_buffer, ind);

Problems with Initial flash of Hw4:12

Submitted by Idoff on Mon, 2018-04-16 18:47


I'm building some vesc:s but having the problem with that the vesc isn´t booting and are not detectable by usb.

Fairly certain that my soldering is correct since I can read the chip and program it with verification.

Programed with 3 different OS and have hade the same result every time. Have even tried the files from this with out results

Any ideas?

Problem with St Link v2 Connetion (solved)

Submitted by Izuke on Sun, 2018-04-15 22:31

Hey guys,

I have some problems with connecting my Vesc to a ST Link v2.
I tried to upgrade my Vesc (hw 4.12) from fw 2.18 to the newest version with the Vesc-tool. Unfortunately, i did not take a look at the forum and misunderstood the warnings so i overwrote my bootloader.
Because of this (as i read afterwards at the forum) i destroyed my bootloader and can't upgrade my vesc. Bought an ST Link v2 clone on amazon and got it yesterday.

Measure resistance with IGBTs

Submitted by mtzm on Wed, 2018-04-04 14:46


I am working on a high voltage HW using IGBTs and I have issues measuring the resistance of the motor. My guess is that the forward voltage of the IGBTs causes problems during the measurement and that one should compensate for the forward voltage drop during the measurement. I tried to just subtract a fixed voltage in mcpwm_foc_measure_resistance. It helps to improve the measurement a bit, but I suspect it is the wrong approach.

Does somebody have an idea how I should compensate for the IGBT forward voltage drop during the measurement?


VESC hardware interrupt pins

Submitted by gpzhao on Sun, 2018-04-01 10:47


I'm trying to communicate my MCU with VESC4 via SPI (VESC is the master). The communication should be triggered by an external signal. Therefore I think the best way to achieve this is to connect the trigger signal to a VESC interrput pin. But I'm not sure which pins could be used as interrupt pins because I need SCK_ADC_EXT and MISO_ADC_EXT2 (PA5 and PA6) pins for communication.

Right now my code does not use the SERVO and TEMP_MOTOR pins. Can they be configured as the interrupt pins? 

Problems with writing Firmware to the processor

Submitted by Goex on Wed, 2018-03-28 09:11

Dear Benjamin Vedder, dear VESC community


Currently I’m studying at the high school of engineering in Luzern.

Lately we tried to use the VESC to drive some of our homemade motors.

Now I have the problem that I can’t flash some parts of the software, and I was hoping you could help to find out what is going wrong.


I use a virtual machine with Ubuntu 17.10 running on a Windows7 and an ST-Link V2 Programmer.

The VESC’s hardware version is 4.12 and it uses an STM32F405RGT6 processor.


VESC Control over NRF

Submitted by Christian on Tue, 2018-03-27 14:42

Hello Benjamin, Hello Everybody,

I try to implement an NRF Communication for the VESC just with one Arduino on the one side and an NRF Connection on P3 of VESC HW 4.12 on the other side. I connected all the wires for the SPI communication and set CE to VCC.

I tried with the Default settings of the VESC:

VESC not responding to Controller

Submitted by jcab on Thu, 2018-03-08 21:51

Using the VESC tool, I updated my 4.12 Flier VESC from 2.54 Firmware to 3.34 Firmware. The update was successful (according to the VESC tool), but now the VESC will not respond to input from the controller. The VESC was communicating fine with the receiver until after the firmware update.  I have tried a few things to troubleshoot this, but no success.

Transmitter/receiver –


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