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Command Line Options

Dude's picture
Submitted by Dude on Wed, 2017-10-18 22:56


I want to use the VESC Tool to control a test motor on my dyno, e.g. to set up different rpm's in a sequence. This should be done automatically by calling the VESC Tool from another program. Are there any command line options available or does anybody know if I can use the capabilities of VESC Tool not by using the GUI but with some kind of script. Maybe there are other possibilities I don't know?

Changing minimum duty cycle prevents VESC from connecting via USB while ADC throttle is connected

Submitted by shimdidly on Sun, 2017-10-15 00:48


Changing minimum duty cycle prevents VESC from connecting via USB while ADC throttle is connected. I need to unplug my ADC throttle, refresh the connection, then change the minimum back to 0.5%. I don't understand enough about this paramater to know why this is happening, does anyone have any insight?

Change HW after wrong Firmware Update

Submitted by Hassi on Sun, 2017-10-01 15:46


Hi there,

i think I need some help here. 

I just got my Enertion Focbox and wanted to update my firmware. I had trouble to find the right tool, long story short, I found a freshly built VESC Tool in another forum and happily updated the Firmware. Upload went fine, but I got errors while detecting the motor parameters. Turns out the software I found had only HW 60... I need 412...

High Current Sampling Mode True 80% current

Submitted by antonchromjak on Sun, 2017-09-24 21:14



I tried FOC - Advanced option - High Current Sampling Mode - True and for the same speed and motor setup I get different I Batt and I Motor.


High Current Sampling Mode - False

ERPM : 46768.0

I Motor: 2.33 A


High Current Sampling Mode - True

ERPM: 46699.0

I Motor: 1.85 A


Can you replicate this on VESC6 or is it only issue with my custom board?

Thanks in Advance


Position issue

Submitted by Davideo on Tue, 2017-09-19 16:48


Hi all,


Just started with the excellent new and improved  VESC tool but had the same issue with the BLDC_tool before. Seems for me the position function isn't working as expected. If I turn it on the motor makes a terrible noise and shakes like a pollaroid picture on steroids. 

-Motor : Racerstar 6056 140 KV

-Sensored (i expect hall sensor as there is no explicit mention anywhere about the type of sensors this has (has 5 threaded sensor cable coming from the motor)

-Calibrated as FOC

Any thoughts?




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