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bidirectional joystick conrol with saparate brake switch

Submitted by Erik fijlstra on Thu, 2024-05-16 16:02


Hello all, hope someone can answer the following:

I am busy with my electrical boat setup. It is a hybrid system where the orginal petrol engine will also remain. 

A ME0907 BLDC motor will drive the prop-shaft but as i can also make the BLDC motor turn will sailing on petrol => i want to use the regen to charge the batteries.

I bought a FLIPSKY 75450 and i have a hall sensor based joystick/throttle.

VESC Tool (Android) and save “App Cfg” (save failed)

Submitted by NoeI on Wed, 2024-05-15 18:45


I'm not sure if this has been mentioned here before.

It looks like there's a bug in the Android Vesc Tool version 6.02.

When I try to save the “App Cfg” data on my Android phone, I keep getting an “Appconf Save Failed” error. However, a 0 byte file is created with the given name.
When I do the same for the "Motor Cfg", everything works fine!

This problem has been replicated by other Android users.

Does anyone here know a fix for this? (Buying an iPhone is not an option!)

pulsation at mid speed

Submitted by smallbikefun on Sun, 2024-05-12 19:00


hi im using a flipsky 75200 pro v2 on a ebike with hub motor.  running 16s batt at 250 phase amps.  under acceleration i am getting a pulsation around maybe 15-20mph on the way up to the top speed of 40mph. it occurs for about 2-3 seconds.  its not severe and i dont notice any change in how much it accelerates.  its not bucking or cogging. its kind of a high frequency vibration i can feel through motor/frame. but basically it doesnt feel like its going to break anything and i could live with it if i cant change it.

ERPM, the RPM on the motor does not change

Submitted by hopeingod on Fri, 2024-05-10 11:15


My name is Oleksandr, I live in Ukraine. I am 35 years old, I have cerebral palsy and I use an electric wheelchair. I want to replace the DC motors of the collector type on the baldes in the electric cart. For this, I bought the controllers and I want to increase the revolutions on the motors because the kv is quite low, a little more than two/ When changing the ERPM, the RPM on the motor does not change, it changes depending on the voltage, so please advise. how can i change RPM programatically via vesc tool. thank you


Submitted by jfeliciano15 on Sun, 2024-05-05 21:33


Hello All,
I am running a Tronic 250R/2 on a custom built Nami scooter with 2000W sensorless BLDC motors. I have it this dual controller Tronic running like a charm but I chose not to use ADC2 at all. If I set all of the parameters to 0.00 on ADC2, will it cause any issues?

[Solved] VESC Tool "could not deserialize motor configuration" with custom firmware

Submitted by bsobeloffgittes on Fri, 2024-05-03 20:30


I'm working on developing custom VESC hardware, and when I try to connect the VESC Tool to it I get an error stating that it "could not deserialize motor configuration." I'm able to communicate with the custom hardware, but this error seems to be preventing me from writing the motor configuration to the VESC.

My understanding is that this is because the VESC tool does not recognize my custom firmware. Is there a way that I can create a custom build of VESC Tool that will recognize my custom firmware or is it possible to override this error somehow?

I dont want that my motorwheel works like generator

Submitted by Vi1 on Sat, 2024-04-27 14:13


I had some bad luck in a past

Im using vesc for my rover, and when im trying to move it with power off, my motor wheel works like generator creating micro impulses to my flight controller. My fc didn`t like it, and it restores to default. Is it any possible way to cut off regenerating capabilities using my vesc?

Under-voltage fault with PMSM powered by bench supply

Submitted by leheim on Fri, 2024-04-26 15:32


Hey guys. I am building a small wind turbine and want to run tests on my generator using a "back-to-back" configuration where a PMSM is driving my generator (stepper motor). I am using VESC 6 MKIII to drive the PMSM, but I have some issues with the setup wizard in VESC Tool. The most important part for me is to know how much power the output shaft of the PMSM is driven with (simulating wind power), and real-time data screen shows this. However, I am not sure whether it is correct.


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