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SPINTEND UBOX 100v100a x2 or Flipsky 75100 100v100a x2

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Last seen: 2 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2022-09-26 12:02
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SPINTEND UBOX 100v100a x2 or Flipsky 75100 100v100a x2

Hi! I have a zero 11x electric scooter, and i'm looking to go "big" when it comes to power. Right now i have about 7.2kw, 50A per wheel with basic BLDC controllers from Minimotors, and as we are speaking i am making a second battery to wire up in parallel to have a total discharge of 200A at 72v (20s). My question is the following:

My motors don't have hall sensors, and adding them is a pain as the stator( the part with the winding) does not have hall sensor holes already cut in it to fit the sensors. Which controller would be better for sensorless operation, the flipsky or the spintend?

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How good the motor starts in HFI depends a lot on the hardware, both motor and ESC. 

As this is both third party HW it is hard to judge how good it works in the end. Those 20S capable controllers definitely don't feature phase side shunts and in consequence you don't get the same results as with a lower voltage system with phase shunts and phase filtering. Since the voltage is probably fixed by the battery, you have no option and accept that fact.

Last seen: 2 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2022-09-26 12:02
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How good the motor starts in HFI depends a lot on the hardware, both motor and ESC. 

As this is both third party HW it is hard to judge how good it works in the end. Those 20S capable controllers definitely don't feature phase side shunts and in consequence you don't get the same results as with a lower voltage system with phase shunts and phase filtering. Since the voltage is probably fixed by the battery, you have no option and accept that fact.


I don't care about motor start, current controllers even send me backwards sometimes or just stall for a second before starting to roll forwards, i just care about the performance and if FOC mode works any good sensorless, as i would like the higher efficiency of FOC mode 

Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2022-05-28 00:48
Posts: 5

I own both controllers. They both work outstanding. I have the old 75100 box and the newer flat aluminum pcb version. I also have the spintend 100/100. Turns out they can both handle 200a fairly easy. They will get warm if trying to pull that much current for extended periods. However They stay cool on  normal use and throttling them hard. The spintend is nice for the 12v output for a fan. It also has an extra adc. The spintend is also currently cheaper. I would go spintend and be careful of the screw length you put in. Screws that are too long will short the controller. Hope this helps. Also the spintend has a built in imu. Where the flipskys do not. I had to add them on my balance vehicles. On the ebikes though they are no worry. Decent airflow and they stay cool.