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Help needed in controlling multiple VESC boards (multiple motors) with VESC ROS (need to debug errors)

Submitted by shreyas.srinivasan on Thu, 2022-10-13 08:13

I modified the following files in VESC ROS : to get the proceeding errors when I was trying to control 2 motors using the VESC ROS Interface.

Modified code of "velocity_control_sample.launch":



UAV motor BLDC detection fails

Submitted by Torbjorn on Wed, 2022-10-12 13:54


I am attempting to detect parameters with BLDC mode, but it fails.

The motor is an Axi 8120/08 (675 g, Kv 190)

The VESC is v6mk5 running fw 5.30.

After tuning the detection parameters to:
I = 3 A
w = 500 ERPM
D = 0.04
It looks like the routine is completed, but I still get "Detection failed." instead of results, and in the lower right corner it say "Bad detection results receiced" with red background.

Trouble Detecting ABI Encoder on VESC6/75

Submitted by jonathansel on Fri, 2022-10-07 22:34

Hello All,

I am working on using a VESC 6/75V to control the rear wheels of a mobile robot. The singular BLDC motor goes through a 22:1 differential gearbox to move both wheels:

I am able to use the motor in sensorless mode after FOC detection; however, the motor is quite jittery at low speeds despite tuning the PID. I then decided to integrate a 4096 CPR ABI encoder on the rear output shaft of the motor to improve performance. 

Vibrations under hard regen

Submitted by gecko242 on Fri, 2022-10-07 15:03

Hi All, 

I have a Maker X HI 100 (VESC 6 based), running at 48V connected to a 1KW 26 inch hub motor, with hall effect sensors.

I have run a FOC detection and all looks good.

At regen levels greater than 50A, I get a strange vibration, almost as if the hub motor is desyncing.

I get a similar vibration under acceleration above 70A, but I would imagine this is due to core saturation as I am greatly exceeding the power rating of the motor. 

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Overcurrent fault when braking

Submitted by maxhertz on Fri, 2022-10-07 09:38

Is there any way to adjust the PID of braking?

When I lift off (full brake) while at around 20% speed, I often get an ABS max current fault. I am testing this on the bench with a mass attached to the motor shaft to provide some inertia.

PPM input, Duty Cycle, 12S, Trampa VESC 6 MKV, fw 5.03 and 6.00.

I tried 5.02 and it does not have this problem.

I tried adjusting Motor Current Max Brake and Battery Current Max Regen, but no change.

Sudden hard acceleration at around 30 km/h. Help

Submitted by kristofferbenjaminw on Tue, 2022-10-04 17:31

Hello all

I have been working on a modded electric scooter using the Flipsky 75100 ESC. I have combined some batteries and am doing 84V top.

The esc is configured for BLDC mode and i'm using current control over CANbus from an esp32.

My problem is this:

I am able to control the acceleration and current perfectly fine up until the scooter hits around 30 km/h where it will suddenly accelerate even harder, even though the input hasn't changed.

Motor Controller + Motor + Lecture

Submitted by AlexSTM32 on Fri, 2022-09-30 19:29

Hi all.

I found this site and it looks very impressive. Also I think it is perfect to get my problems solved 😊

My problem is:

I need some motor controller for a 1.5kW motor, 58V. I think the 75/300 suits here very good.


My questions are:

1. Do you have any idea to have good "test motors"? Where can I buy these?

2. Is here somebody who can make a lecture in an online meeting? This would save a lot of time for me. Of course I would give some money for that.

Thanks :)



VESC packet fram-size

Submitted by Yosh101 on Fri, 2022-09-30 15:34

Hello everyone, 

Does anyone know the frame-size of VESC 4.12 on the firmware version of 5? I am trying to read the response of the motor, which send back to VESC through this method. But, it returns NONE. It might be the wrong frame-size. Has anyone ideas on this? Or any better solution?


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