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[SOLVED] PWM speed control at low RPM

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Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2023-04-10 13:25
Posts: 4
[SOLVED] PWM speed control at low RPM

Hi evryone, this is my first post, I am very new to the VESC hardware.

I am working on Hw: 60 with Fw V6.02 and have the following issue:

I set up my motor with a power supply, the motor its quite large, 1,9 kW / 6N.m with peak of 18N.m.

Is working with hall sensor and I set up the input to be PPM. My "remote" is an arduino with a potentiometer that send values from 0 to 180.

That is mapped to be Pulselength Start:1,0070ms and Pulselength End 2,0060ms

So with 0 value on the potentiometer is CCW max RPM and with 180 value CW max RPM (90 value the motor stops)

The problem is that when i try to drive it at very low RPM the motor stops, so between value 76 and 104 the motor doesnt work

With the value 75 starts CCW at ~100RPM and with 105 starts CW at ~100RPM as well.

Any idea how can i fix this?

A bit more info: if I go to Motor Settings > General > RPM, under Max ERPM if i put a value below those 100RPM i can drive it at very low RPMs

Thanks in advance

Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2023-04-10 13:25
Posts: 4

Ok, I respond myself since maybe someone will get into this "problem"

There is the parameter "Minimum ERPM" in Motor Settings > PID Controllers, under "Speed Controller" that is set by default to 900.

I put 50 there and now I am able to dirve my motor at very low RPM