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move source and header files to a folder

Submitted by Jimny on Thu, 2022-11-17 05:45


Currently there are some source and header files stored in the root folder. There are also other type of files. It looks a little disordered. Please see the screenshot below.


I'm going to do some clean work so that these *.c and *.h file could be stored in a folder. Which folder do you recommend? Is it ok to move these files to applications folder?

Using VESC remote with non-VESC ESC

Submitted by Ptkend on Tue, 2022-11-15 17:21


I'm currently building something to power my snowboard on the flat. The ESC that I have had to be compatible with the motor I needed from a particular company, so it's proprietary to their motor (the company is not related in any way to skateboards). 
I'm looking to not re-invent the wheel when it comes to controlling the ESC and skateboard remotes look like a great option. Is there any way these remotes can be used to control ESCs other than VESC, Hobbywing and YingLis?


Thanks in advance for any tips. 


How to tune BLDC delay mode

Submitted by Torbjorn on Tue, 2022-11-15 13:21

Hi. I see BLDC delay mode is described in VESC Tool as the algoritm used for standard RC ESCs. I also understand it the way that some or all parameter recognition routines use this mode.

However, I am unable to successfully tune this and use it since I don't understand quite which parameters I need to set and adjust to make it work. Any tips are welcome.

Rion Tronic 250/ Focer3.1 using TC leads to explosion!

Submitted by Drcfan on Mon, 2022-11-14 23:12

Using 2x Rion Tronic 250/ Focer3.1 esc over CAN for a scooter project. Traction control enabled (for the front wheel, set to 2000erpm diff). It works perfectly fine unless the surface is very slippery. If the surface is very slippery and the throttle gets applied too fast, both ESC will cut power to zero producing a massive power spike in the rear wheel ESC resulting in a massive explosion. Any idea why the power cut is happening? Unfortunately did not get log files. The battery pack was a 20s6p Molicel P42A.

HFI Tuning - "Start Voltage" Question

Submitted by drummerboy5408 on Sat, 2022-11-12 03:12

Hello, I am tuning my HFI parameters for the Start voltage specifically, and I noticed that up to a certain point the FFT Phase Bin2 values stop improving once Start Voltage reaches a certain point.

I am running a 5010 360kV pancake drone motor at around 11.3v. Ths motor has very good Lq-Ld (around 50% of total inductance at 20% duty)

Is there any way to predict what voltage a particular motor would require for it to saturate based on known FOC detection params?

Thanks, Jordan


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