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VESC 100/250 Voltage spikes?

Submitted by LondonNight on Mon, 2022-09-05 08:21

Hey, I'm new to the forum. I'm looking to buy the Trampa VESC 100/250, and it says on the product page that the controller is rated for 100V max, and that "Voltage spikes may not exceed 100V!", but I'm really not sure what that means. I'm not sure how I would go about figuring out whether this controller is suitable for the motor I have. I have a VEVOR 72V 3kW BLDC motor that goes to 4900RPM... and its pretty big in size! What would be the best way of figuring out whether that will or will not induce big enough voltage spikes to fry the controller?

un-commanded reverse pulse

Submitted by maxhurtz on Fri, 2022-09-02 16:01

Strange behaviour on my Trampa VESC 6 MKV.

I'm using PPM input with Duty Cycle control and when I am going forwards and brake suddenly (release the stick), it goes into reverse for about half a second.

If you look the data, the duty cycle ramps up to about 55% (in the opposite direction for which you were going).

Only happens in one direction e.g. if it happens when you are going forward and brake, then it doesn't happen when going in reverse.

Running at 12S (approx 50V), motor is a 6880 (16 mOhms).

Flipsky 75100 cutting out

Submitted by moose09876 on Thu, 2022-09-01 22:01

Looking for any ideas on why this thing keeps just dying. Temp is fine, voltage is fine, it's registering duty cycle but not pushing anything to the motor. Issue areas in yellow. I can let it sit all day at full throttle after this and it will do nothing. Have to bring it back to neutral for ~5s, then it'll go again. Almost like it's rebooting, but I don't have any way to log this data other than the graphs.



FSESC 4.20 Tuning for RC ESC?

Submitted by Abcc123 on Thu, 2022-09-01 04:41

Hey everyone I need some help on how to tune my FSESC 4.20. I am doing a project with my son and we have to use 20v drill batteries, that cannot change. We are using an RC ESC right now and its flying, but when I go to the FSESC 4.20 it stutters really bad. I was able to tune it so well that it was snappy and responsive w/o load, but once a load is applied it bogs and says under voltage error. I changed A settings to motor/battery but the torque grunt was not there.

VESC 6 EDU: Motor Wizard - Detection failed

Submitted by Navigator_PJE on Mon, 2022-08-29 16:12


We have got a problem getting our VESC 6 EDU running. The motor wizard of the VESC Tool terminates with a detection failed message:

Detection Result

Detection failed.

Reason: Flux linkage detection failed

Typing fault in the VESC terminal results in the following error code: FAULT_CODE_PHASE_FILTER

On the VESC 6 EDU a red LED is flashing.

Any ideas?

Peter and Alex


Are all VESC based ESCs within the same generation standardized in their sensors and data payloads?

Submitted by pearlgreymusic on Sat, 2022-08-27 11:43

Hi, I am working on a telemetry logging system for a combat robot.

I can't find information on most manufacturer's websites or product descriptions about if their ESCs have accelerometers inside of them.

I know that VESC compatible HW can have accelerometers on them, my question is if ALL HW4 and/or HW6 variants require accelerometers and other sensors, or if SOME include them and SOME do not.

Dual motor for a small boat

Submitted by Snabelost on Wed, 2022-08-24 10:58

Hello forum members!

This is my first post and I am looking for some advices here.

I'm planning to build a dual underwater motor setup for my small (4,3 meters) fishing boat this winter.

Under the stern of the boat I will mount two motors. I'm planning to use this type:

vesc tool motor help!

Submitted by Gr8adventures on Fri, 2022-08-19 21:48

I have a flipsky fs75200 esc and I have tried several times to get the efoil motor 65161 motor to operate with the esc. Once I go through the setup wizard and connect the ppm the motor will not rotate but its buzzing back and forth violently when I apply throttle.  I tried rotating the three motor wires in all the 9 combinations hoping that would work but it just won't spin properly.  please help.

Small inrunner HFI set-up issue

Submitted by anthony_ on Thu, 2022-08-11 13:43

Hello all,

I am trying to set up HFI control for a small BLDC inrunner. The motor has 6 coils in the stator, connected in a star configuration and has a cylindrical 4 pole rotor.

Configuring HFI for this motor based on the instructional video's on youtube was without any success.

I have performed the current measurement with and without the magnetic rotor. The results are as follows with 3 volts:


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