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Flipsky6.6 usb not detected

Submitted by krom68 on Sat, 2019-02-23 10:21



After having used 4 different 4'12hw vesc I bought a flipsky v6.6

I know the problem sound common but I didn't find any answer to my problem.

When I power the ESC light turns green but impossible to connect it to the vesctools using the usb port.

The com mport don't appear on Windows when I plug the ESC...

I've tried 3 different cables and 3 computer with the same conclusion.(all the three computer have been used with no issues on my 4.12hw)

Regen on fully charged battery: soft high voltage limit

Submitted by e404 on Wed, 2019-02-20 16:15

Hi guys,

Been using the VESC on a great deal of light electric vehicles now, since HW4.10, with great success, so Benjamin, thank you so much!


The issue has been mentioned here and there a few times but no solution has been discussed yet as far as I know.

I have an electric kick scooter, in which I put a VESC quite some time ago. Recently, I connected a switch between GND and RX to be able to use regen braking.

information to drive 400kv drone motor on ClosedLoop with AS5047

Submitted by Syl2078 on Sun, 2019-02-17 19:20

I new on this wonderful project :-) 
I try to have information for drive drone motor with closed loop mode.
I have seen MINI4 project.
The idea, i build a new big drone with motor 400kv and 17inch prop.
With the inertly of prop with classical esc i have trouble for fast throttle.
So I thing used VESC to drive motor in ClosedLoop Mode.
What do you thing about this and Vesc can support Dshot / Multishot / Oneshot.
The Drone Flightcontroller is with BetaFlight Firmware.

Thank a lot
Have a nice day ;-)

Observer tracking fail

Submitted by dangminhducnbk on Sun, 2019-02-17 14:09

Hi everyone,

I tried to simulink the sensorless FOC observer Ben used in his code. I used fixed observer gain and I changed this value in a wide range (from 1000 to 50000), but the observer could only track the position in low speed and failed in high speed. In Ben's code, I saw him changed this value every observer update. 

Is this the key for high speed tracking?

Thanks a lot. 

const float gamma_half = m_gamma_now * 0.5;

Struggling in startup BLDC in sensorless mode

Submitted by dangminhducnbk on Fri, 2019-02-15 03:42

Hi everyone,

I'm a fresher about BLDC control I wanna do thesis about BLDC FOC sensorless control. I known about VESC project of Vedder many year ago and I really admire him. :D

But now I'm really confused about starting-up BLDC in sensorless mode. I read the code of firmware 3.7 but I couldn't figure out the method he used to start-up the motor. :"(

I designed myself a BLDC driver using DRV8323 based on open-source board of Vedder (not for commercial purposed). I had phase current and voltage measurement. 

Please help me. Thanks a lot.


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