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Analog Throttle/Brake -- ADC2 does NOT cut power to the throttle? What is wrong?

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2019-09-19 08:00
Posts: 4
Analog Throttle/Brake -- ADC2 does NOT cut power to the throttle? What is wrong?

Hi everyone,


I'm using an Analog Throttle/Brake for an electric scooter that I am using VESC on. The problem is that -- ADC2 does NOT cut power to the throttle (ADC1 is hooked up to the signal wire of the throttle, ADC 2 is hooked up to the signal wire of the brake). If I hold BOTH the throttle and the brake, the motor still runs at full speed. What am I doing wrong? I did the calibration and have ADC1 voltage set to min 0.83v, max 3.3v, center voltage 2v. and ADC2 is set at 0.85v, 3.30v max.

The brake signal is definitely working as I have a brake light attached to it that turns on when i hold the analog brake. Why won't ADC2 cut the throttle from ADC1?

I'm using the control setting Current No Reverse Brake ADC2

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What happens at half throttle and full brake?

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2019-09-19 08:00
Posts: 4

No difference. In fact, I'm not sure if the braking (as in it turning off the motor) is working at all. The signal is definitely working -- brake light hooked up to the signal wire which also connects to the ADC2 lights up when the brake handle is pulled, and the voltage spikes to 2.35v when i press the handle (real-time in the VESC tool app detects it), but the doesn't seem to shut off the motor at all.

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2018-12-17 22:56
Posts: 8

What type of motor are you running? Direct Drive or Geared?

As stated in that thread, ADC1 and ADC 2 are "additive". If you are still getting true 100% throttle with the brake activated somehow the brake is not being seen by the VESC ADC2 input.

Maybe need to "Invert" the brake / ADC2 input?

I would not trust the brake light to know the brake signal is working. Hook the VESC up to the VESC Tool and turn on RealTime tracking and watch what the signals are doing. It's an invaluable tool.