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Wand speed display incorrect - Solved

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Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-18 22:31
Posts: 21
Wand speed display incorrect - Solved

The Wand remote is displaying my speed at around 200 km/h - any suggestions how to get the real speed/data would be greatly appreciated (board is a Trampa helical spur gear drive with 9 inch tyres). Thanks a lot!

(I selected "Direct drive" during motor setup; is that incorrect?)


Edit #1

=> I must have made a mistake during the motor setup (and direct drive is inappropriate). With motor and slave pulley set to 10 and 58, respectively, and wheels diameter set to 210 mm (my own measurement), I now get a maximum speed of 44 km/h which appears more appropriate; Trampa says 50 km/h with 160 KV motors and 9 inch = 228 mm tires, but that may be due that I specified them with 210 mm slightly smaller.


Edit #2

210 mm is none sense too (thanks modern laser measurement tool); ~220 mm is correct (thanks good old folding rule).

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Direct drive would mean motor and wheel spin at the same speed. With the Trampa spur gear you should have a 1:5 ratio. 1 at the motor pulley and 5 at the wheel pulley. This should give you a fifth of the speed you are getting now. Wheel diameter you have to enter just below. My 9 inch tires from trampa have an outer diameter of 225mm.

EDIT: i just checked back... the gear ratio is not 1:5, it seems more like 10 to 58 for the helical gear.

Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-18 22:31
Posts: 21

Thanks a lot michmg! I went through the motor setup again and values do seem more appropriate now (see above in first message)

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222mm for 9" is correct. 10:58 is correct for helicals. 10:59 is correct for straight cut gears.

Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-18 22:31
Posts: 21

Thanks Frank; this one is solved.