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Submitted by Jessica on Thu, 2019-03-14 11:41


I'm trying to use a drv8323RS in a custom VESC but i'm having trouble. My motor doesn't want to spin. Is there anything to keep in mind while using the drv8323 ? I'm using vedder firmware with my own hardware files. but it doesn't seem to work.

Does anyone have the schematics of the UAVC basic or qcube? since they also use the drv8323 it could be helpful.



Input Setup Wizard Does Not Ask if Single or Multi VESC

Submitted by kylemuramatsu on Wed, 2019-03-13 03:22

When I view the following tutorial:


The first screen I get in the Input Setup Wizard is the remote selection.  It does not give me the option to select whether I am using multi VESC for master.

I cannot find out why my Input Setup Wizard skips directly to the remote Choose App section of wizard without showing me the Multiple VESC option.


Can someone please help me figure out how I can set up slave vs master given this problem?


Can I change control mode on the fly through the UART port?

spork's picture
Submitted by spork on Wed, 2019-03-13 02:24

I'm running two VESC's with two motors in regular PPM mode (current, no_reverse, with braking).  I currently send PPM to the PPM port from a standard receiver.  I am however logging data from the UART port while I ride.  What I'm wondering is whether I can change my mode via the UART port from PPM_CTRL_TYPE_CURRENT_NOREV_BRAKE to PPM_CTRL_TYPE_CURRENT so that I can manually engage reverse from my controller.  Is this possible while controlling it via the PPM port?  If not, can I do it by doing all control through the UART port?


how do you arm your Vesc in arduino code?

Submitted by the creator on Wed, 2019-03-13 01:11

I am working on a project involving controlling my motor through Arduino. I have my Vesc 4.12 wired to the Arduino and i have tried simple arming techniques that were used for different ESCs but none had worked with the vesc. The arming process in arduino is usually done by just writing the code as if you were coding a servo to move to an angle but the angle, in this case, is used as a motor speed.

C80100 Outrunner 50kv does not want to spin.

Submitted by Wormsnake on Sun, 2019-03-03 10:30

C80100 Outrunner 50kv does not want to spin.



Hi I have VESC HW V4.12 and C80100 Outrunner 50kv motor and I have a problem the motor does not want to run. The KEDA 63-64 190KV engine works normally. Is not the problem in too low KV? I tried 3s LIPO 4S LIPO and 11S LIPO and the engine is not running. The KEDA engine runs smoothly on 3s LIPO. What to set up to make C80100 Outrunner 50kv to work?



When I mount the propeller on the motor ,I get a new promblem

moto_guy's picture
Submitted by moto_guy on Sat, 2019-03-02 05:16

Hi everyone,

 When I mounted the propeller on the motor ,I got a new issue on my VESC6  ​ .  

1: BLDC mode.

When PPM throttle  is up to 55% above , I will hear some "clicking noise" from motor,at that time the battery amp is about 11 A@25v in BLDC mode.

DutyCycle is higher ,the noise is  higher, when DutyCycle up to 65% , it failed  and stoped in BLDC mode.

If DutyCycle is under 50% ,everything is fine .

2: FOC mode

 When PPM throttle is up to 55% above , I  heard the noise from motor too .


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