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No reverse after FW update from 3.62 to 3.63

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Stupidspencer's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2019-06-20 00:06
Posts: 32
No reverse after FW update from 3.62 to 3.63

Has anybody else lost reverse after the most recent firmware update?  I built a new battery for my board to improve top speed. The old one was 10S9P and the new one is 12S10P, so I had to change my settings in VESC tool for the new pack. VESC tool said a new firmware was available so I installed it without any issues. I went through the FOC wizard and input wizard and then changed all the other settings necessary to get everything working how it was before. The update (or maybe one of the wizards) changed my drive mode to current control, so I changed it back to smart reverse and made sure the associated max duty and ramp time settings were where I like them. Everything works great EXCEPT that reverse doesn't work at all now. I tried every other drive mode and none of them make the motors spin in reverse. I can however make the motors spin both directions using the direction check setup page. I ran through both motor and input setup wizards again, but still no reverse. What gives?

Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
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You don't need to setup everything again after a firmware update, you can just load a saved configuration from the last version.

Stupidspencer's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2019-06-20 00:06
Posts: 32

How would I go about loading the old configuration from the Android app version?  So far, I have not had a reason to use the desktop version of VESC tool. I have updated my 2 CANBUS connected VESC6+'s successfully 3 times now from the Android app over bluetooth. If the configuration can only be saved and reloaded on the desktop version, that is a good enough reason for me to use it instead in the future. But it doesn't do me any good right now because I have no saved configuration to load.

But I don't think that loading a saved configuration would solve my reverse problem anyway. I have gone through all the settings and set them all to the previous values that I wrote down on paper. Reverse just refuses to work except from the motor direction setup page. The fact that the motors can be made to spin either direction from that page tells me this is not a hardware issue. It is not likely an input problem either since my brakes work as expected and the full range of throttle motion is indicated by the input setup wizard. No faults have been generated during startup of either VESC since the update, nor have there been any during operation.

I see no other posts regarding loss of reverse after the update, so I don't think there is a bug in the new firmware version that is causing this.

Perhaps something went wrong while uploading the new firmware?  I would think VESC tool would have recognized a bad checksum or hash or whatever system is used to verify the data integrity.  Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2019-12-09 19:50
Posts: 5

I have the same problem.

The problem was there from the beginning, I have only used FW 6.63

I can run the engine forward and reverse until I use the wizzard to connect my remote control, then it will only go forward.

Kind regards


Stupidspencer's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2019-06-20 00:06
Posts: 32

Got reverse back with update to 3.64   smiley