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Duty cycle take 95% when motor released

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Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2018-03-03 10:46
Posts: 5
Duty cycle take 95% when motor released

Hi everybody,

First time making a topic here. My problem is the following.

I have build 2 V6 controller and on one of them, the duty cycle take the max value (95%) when the motor is released. This value is show on VESC tool with RT mode.

This duty cycle is not apply except at the begin when exit from motor release mode.

I am using the controller through CAN. All input are off (ADC, PPM and "no App" on General setup).

This duty cycle value give me "DRV" errors when I try to start making a big cog on the motor. When it can start, every is ok, acceleration are smooth and quick. All good.

I have put same firmware (3.64) and exactly same config on both but one is ok and second one not.

I have try to find on the code source the reason why the duty cycle take this max value (and not apply in release condition) but is too complex.

If anyone have any idea, it will be welcome. It seems that I have any hardware trouble but I can't find it where if I don't know where come from this value.

Thanks in advance


Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2018-03-03 10:46
Posts: 5


I still not found the problem on my hardware because every thing work ok less this Duty cycle crazy value when motor is released.

Moving the motor with the hand, the duty cycle toggle from -95% to 95%.

Also, in FOC mode, the duty cycle take 111% and toggle to -111% moving the motor by hand. By the way, duty cycle is not truncated in FOC mode.

I have loaded the last version (3.65);  no change. Where come from this value? with another VESC, only this value change to -0,1% / 0,1% moving the motor.

I remember that I have disable all APP and working only trough CAN.

Please, any idea from somebody?

Best regards





Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2020-02-29 03:45
Posts: 1

Does anyone have solution for this problem? 

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