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VESC Firmware

Ubuntu Setup

Submitted by mystamo on Sat, 2020-08-08 06:43

Hey All,


Really hoping for some help here.


Trying to setup my ubuntu distro ver 16.04 to run the ARM GCC toolchain but can't get it to install. Tried sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-embedded and get unable to locate package error and I'm pretty damn sure i installed the repository correctly.


This issue has now ate my entire day.


Help would be awesome.



VESC state machine

Submitted by wagner on Wed, 2020-08-05 09:37

Hi guys,

Iam new to the VESC project (and to coding) and want to purchase a 75/ 300 for my electric motorcycle with qs205 v3 hub motor.

Is there an existing state machine or just the "raw" C code to work with?

I want to implement some additional functions, like brake light while positive current flow and don´t know where to start actually :/

Another question: Now that the 100/ 250 VESC isn´t that expensive anymore, I may want to upgrade to that one. Has someone figured out the maximum phase current here? :)

VESC 6 MKIII - Writing Custom Applications using Ubuntu

Submitted by TanmayP on Wed, 2020-08-05 00:48


I am trying to run the Custom Software Installation and Configuration Tutorial using VESC MKIII and Ubuntu system to be able to write custom code for my application. I understand that the tutorial was made for VESC 4 series. I just wanted to know if there's a new code available to write custom applications on the latest VESC? Has anyone managed to make this work? Also, it would be nice to know if there's a version available for the Windows system as well. 

Dutycycle set using uart problem

Submitted by Raja Sharma on Tue, 2020-07-21 21:38


i am facing one problem in UART communication mode. When I set dutycycle using 

void VescUart::setDuty(float duty) {
    int32_t index = 0;
    uint8_t payload[5];

    payload[index++] = COMM_SET_DUTY;
    buffer_append_int32(payload, (int32_t)(duty * 100000), &index);

    packSendPayload(payload, 5);

function. except zero when I set any value from 1 to 100. the bldc motor runs it's setted max dutycyle. Can any please tell me what am I doing wrong.

VESC 6 plus working but no servo response

Submitted by saspragkathos on Mon, 2020-06-29 17:28

I am using a VESC 6 plus on a Traxxas RC Car. The software of the car is set up on a NVIDIA Jetson TX2. It was working very well till the Jetson died. The replacement of the Jetson just arrived. I set up all the software for the car but this time the motor is working but the servo isn't responding.

Firmware Updating to run X2 Pro remote for VESC6.6

Submitted by Caddy on Sat, 2020-06-27 19:30

My problem is I'm trying to update my VESC6.6 firmware from the  old VESC tool software firmware of 3.38 to the new VESC tool software and running firmware version 3.6. (not the newest firmware)

Current situation:


  • The VESC6.6 is currently working and powering a dual drive setup with the old firmware 3.38
  • I can connect my computer to the VESC and program it utilizing the old VESC tool running the 3.38 firmware without any issues.



Requesting VESC fault codes via UART

spork's picture
Submitted by spork on Fri, 2020-06-26 21:52

I'm currently using the UART to continuously show me my speed, battery remaining, amps drawn...  I do this via bluetooth and display it on an LCD display on my remote.  I also log the values that are returned from a COMM_GET_VALUES command.  My question is this... How can I capture fault codes?  I see there's an "mc_fault_code fault_code;" in the mc_values struct.  Does that mean it will return the most recent fault code?  What if there are multiple faults?  Do I have to clear a fault in order to see the next one in the list?

Thanks very much for any tips.


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