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Noobs need to update and / or configure old VESC 4.12

Submitted by Loops on Tue, 2023-02-07 11:49


Hello !

I've a old VESC 4.12 buyed some years ago in second hand on internet.

The firmware in the VESC is 2.53

When I connect this esc to my PC, Vesc Tool give me a message "the firmware is too hold ..."

When I upload a new version of the firmware, all is good but the firmware version is the same after reboot. I've read a message on the tool about impossible update after upload a bootloader if another bootloader is present. May be this is the update problem.

duty cicle 95% but current not at max

Submitted by rodrigo.baronio on Mon, 2023-02-06 15:52


hello, I am using current control in my system, and I put the motor max current at any value that is above 10A and the vesc never exceeds 10amperes, I put another motor of another specification and it also reaches a certain limitation that seems that the engine limits the amperage on the vesc, would I have better control of this?



IMU not working after power cycle

Submitted by Lennart Duijn on Mon, 2023-01-09 22:08


Please help, no clue anymore...

I have a DIY onewheel project and I'm using Flipsky 75100 Foc 75V 100A and a MPU6050..

After calibrating the IMU everything workes great.

When I power cycle it says IMU not working, no data is comming in.

When I change the loop frequency to something like 850 instead of 800 it works again.

Its like when it boots it forgets to start communicating with the VESC or something.


Firmware issues

salvasalce's picture
Submitted by salvasalce on Tue, 2022-12-13 16:12



we update the VESC tool yesterday on our iPhone and android and now we have and error saying 

read firmware version 

could not read firmware version. Make sure that the selected port really belongs to the VESC


any advice ?

I have little FOCer 3.0 

Flipsky 6.6 and VESC 5.3 don't mix?

Submitted by Miniproto on Sun, 2022-11-27 16:34


Just wasted 2 hours trying to adjust the second VESC on a Motor with the 3.01 Tool.

 I have updated the Firmware 4-5 times to 5.3 but the Flipsky device didn't swallow on the second VESC. 

I tried switching USB ports and connections but didn't work. 

So after my patience was running out I tried the VESC tool 0.94 and after downgrading the Firmware the VESC Tool asked me if I am on Master or Slave VESC. 

With that I was able to Run my Motors, but it was Frustrating after that experience. 

Vesc efficiency through log (.CSV)

Submitted by th0masrtg on Tue, 2022-11-22 10:08



everything is in the title, is there a way with the vesc tool to export in csv the efficiency of the VESC itself. Power injected to the motor / Power taken from the battery = VESC efficiency. Then knowing my motor efficiency at a certain RPM, I should be able to estimate pretty precisely my global system efficiency. These would be super helpful for me, I design farming machines and for one of our project, I have planed to use the VESC to power our machine and measure the power consumption of our machine.

Thanks in advance.


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