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Noobs need to update and / or configure old VESC 4.12

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Last seen: 2 years 4 days ago
Joined: 2018-04-20 13:09
Posts: 4
Noobs need to update and / or configure old VESC 4.12

Hello !

I've a old VESC 4.12 buyed some years ago in second hand on internet.

The firmware in the VESC is 2.53

When I connect this esc to my PC, Vesc Tool give me a message "the firmware is too hold ..."

When I upload a new version of the firmware, all is good but the firmware version is the same after reboot. I've read a message on the tool about impossible update after upload a bootloader if another bootloader is present. May be this is the update problem.

The update is not necessary. I need with this ESC to test it in a RC Boat for endurance race. I just need to configure it. 

To do that i need to find a old version of the Vesc Tool. The new versions can't configure it ?

Do you know where can I find a version of the Vesc Tool for this ESC ? (in a perfect world I need a linux version, but a windows or mac version will be ok to.)


Thanks a lot for your help,