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Motor not running after applying SINE/COSINE settings

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Joined: 2022-09-27 20:32
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Motor not running after applying SINE/COSINE settings


I am currently using the VESC 100/250 and the following motor:

ME1507 (ME1905) Brushless 14.5kW Cont. 44kW Pk. IPM Motor 48-100V - - Brushless IPM Motors - MOTORS - EV PARTS (

The motor uses a SINE/COSINE encoder. I've used the example lisp program "encoder_sincos_cal.lisp" to get the amplitudes and the offsets. The sine wire is plugged into ADC1 and cos is plugged into ADC2. The following are the main settings that I've changed on the VESC from default.

Motor Settings -> General -> Sensors -> Sensor Port Mode: Set to "Sin/Cos Encoder"

Motor Settings -> FOC -> General -> Sensor Mode: Set to "Encoder"

App Settings -> General -> App to Use: Set to "No App"

Basically, I tried to duplicate the same settings the Benjamin had in his SINE/COSINE encoder video:

(3) VESC Sin/Cos Encoder - YouTube

After applying these settings, I'm able to see the position of the motor in the data analysis tab, but when I try applying current (I've tried from 5 amps to 20 amps) nothing happens. I've tried setting an rpm and the same thing happens, nothing. Any ideas as to what I could be missing?