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New with vesc...

Submitted by pablof on Wed, 2021-03-10 10:27

Hello, Im absolutely new with vesc... Ive used others esc without problem but this ones seems to be much better but more complicated than others.

I have a MINI fesc4.20, trying to use it in a boat with SSS 5684 kv800 motor.

2 weeks took me to make the motor spin... now the motor spin but always at full rpm.

(im using a potentiometer to test it).

In the real time page of the vest tool, I get no data..

Ive looked for information in forum, YouTube, etc but i get not too much info about it.

Someone has used this motor?

speed controller at low RPM

Submitted by hagoston on Mon, 2021-03-08 13:54

Hi all,

my setup is a hall-sensored BLDC Maytech 6374 90KV motor with SUPERFOC6.8 VESC on 10s battery and I would like to use it with speed control mode from a ROS node.
After successful FOC setup, the motor is not able to run under ~300 ERPM in speed mode without coughing / oscillation. Duty cycle works fine at low speed but without enough tourqe.
I also tried foc_openloop command from the vesc tool console which is ok at lower rpm but for me the speed controller interface would be ideal.

throttle programing

Submitted by turbomullet on Sun, 2021-03-07 22:42

so i am making a electric mini bike and im having problems programing the throttle im getting the 5 volts and i checked with a volt meter and its getting voltage im getting 5 volts at zero throttle and at full throttle im getting 0.7 volts but on vesc tool i cant get anything. what amd i missing here? im using a flipsky 4.20

ADC control issue

Submitted by dsuresh on Fri, 2021-03-05 18:21

I am using a VESC 6mkv with a potentiometer connected to the VCC and the ADC. when i start to setup the adc, the GUI shows that the max voltage is 3.3 and min being 0V with deadband being 2%.

But when i complete the setup and start the motor, the motor starts running at 0.2V and then at 0.5V it attains the max speed(instead of 3.3V). after 0.5V any increase in the voltage given to the adc does not affect the speed.


I tried even setting the min voltage to adc as 0V and max as 1.5V, the performance is the same.


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