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FOC Detection works but BLDC detection fails

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-09-21 09:28
Posts: 1
FOC Detection works but BLDC detection fails


I have a modified VESC with higher input resistor values.(Flashed the latest firmware and changed the R1 and R2 values). However i'm having a weird issue. Sensorless FOC works flawlessly. BLDC detection usualy succedds but the given setting never work (Cycle Integrator Value Aprox. 900 and BMF Coupling Value Aprox. 5000) and hall sensor detection almost always fails. I have tried various current, duty cycle, ERPM setting without any success. When i try to use FOC in sensored mode the initial acceleration is quite rough. What could be the issue any ideas?